Category Archives: Uncategorized

Can I be an Entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship is something that, to me, is so intriguing and exciting, but incredibly horrifying at the same time. Opting out of any and all arts classes or courses that foster creativity in order to take “the most difficult course load” … Continue reading

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Mahesh… An Epic Lecture

A gentleman by the name of Mahesh Nagarajan came into our lecture and gave a captivating lecture on supply chain. Not only did I gain incredible respect for him merely on the basis of his presentational skills, but I also … Continue reading

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Welcome World

I have been contently overwhelmed by the infiltration of the world into the city of Vancouver. Predominately clad in Canadian apparel is an entire city. There are the sporadic glimpses of other countries, all being welcomed except the occasional American. … Continue reading

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Right to Play

Today I was  invited to a dialogue at the Chan Centre. The speakers were there on behalf of the non-profit organization called Right to Play. This is an organization that works to make opportunities to participate in sports for those … Continue reading

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Technology Has Altered it All

Only recently have I been introduced to this idea of “efficient supply chain,” and only since have I become aware of its increasing importance. If technology can be used to increase the efficiency and cut costs of a company’s supply … Continue reading

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The Friendly Neighbours

Having both Canadian and American citizenship has formed me into an unbiased 3rd party in the never ending banter between the two nationalities. When I’m in Canada, I am picked on for being American. When I’m in the states, I … Continue reading

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Business Ethics

Google Books is facing disapproving authors as it works to scan all book contents online. These authors feel Google is taking these actions without proper approval, which is just one example of the ethical dilemma caused by technological advancements to … Continue reading

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