Research & Conferences

Larsen, Veronika. “A Corpus-based, Diachronic Study of Eating Disorder Treatment Websites During and Post-Pandemic, 2021-2024.” *WORKING PAPER

Jones, Emilie, Veronika Larsen, and Stefan Dollinger. “Silencing Voices: Indigenous Day Schools and the Education Section of the 1958 Hawthorn report for British Columbia.” British Journal of Canadian Studies. 2024, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2024.

Larsen, Veronika. “Language Studies in Health and Medicine.” The University of British Columbia. Invited lecture for LLED 402/APSC 402/ FRST402. 8 November 2023.

Larsen, Veronika. “Malnourished Metaphors: Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Anti-Anorexia Campaigns.” Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Anorexia Nervosa. Bologna, Spain, May 26, 2023, Poster Presentation.

Larsen, Veronika. “Promiscuity over Inherited Insanity: Jane Eyre’s Bertha in Early Stage Adaptations.” Brontë Studies. 2021, Vol. 46, No 4, 2021, pp. 357-67.

Larsen, Veronika. “Reinforcing Moral Anxieties through Plot Changes in Early Jane Eyre Stage Adaptations.” 44th Comparative Drama Conference, 2-4 April 2020, Orlando, Florida, paper. (Canceled, COVID-19).

Larsen, Veronika. “‘She fled with a foreigner!’ Bertha Mason as Social Deviant in Early Jane Eyre Stage Adaptations.” Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States, 7-9 November 2019, Seattle, Washington, paper.


SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
Simons Foundation Doctoral Scholarship, UBC
Mairi Grant Campbell Fellowship in English Literature, UBC
Stanley M Grant Scholarship in English 
SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarships –  Master’s (CGS M)
University of Victoria Excellence Scholarship (Renewable, 2014 -2018)


Veronika Larsen / Research & Conferences