The Road Ahead, Week 6

Here is the graph of the Soybean daily movement.  As I turn my strategy into mainly focus on Short-term speculation, I focus more on technical analysis.

Seeing from the graph, Soybean fulctuate between $1527 and $1575 during the past two week.  Of course, Soybean is a substitute of corn.   The performance is soybean are influence by the performance of Corn.

Seeing from the graph, Corn are trying to break the pressure line at around $770 for four times.  It is highly unlikely that corn price will breakthrough this limitation in the near future. This trend will continue influence the performance of soybean.

In a long term perspective, here is the performance Weekly movement. 

It is very clear, there is not neck and shoulder between June and Oct.  Compared to the previous year, it is clear that the soybean price will handing to the south until Dec.

Thus, I will probably go short on corn and Soybean, again. If the price break the $1490 next week. It is a strong sign of go short in the future.

What went right and what went wrong. Week 6

What went Right:

Here is the daily moving curve of Corn.  There is a Support line in $739 and pressure line in $770.  During the whole October, the price bounce between those two lines.

I follow the pattern in week. I get into the market at Wednesday and make another $3012 this week.  In the relative long term perspective,  the corn price is lack of support.   The trend is downward sloping.

Here is the weekly moving curve, the MACD index indicate market is already downward trend.  The next supporting line could be around $700.

What went Wrong:

This week, I overcome the problem of hesitation.  Besides that, I learn something from the trading Game. That is there is no need to trade everyday. The most efficient strategy is to enter into the market at the right time.

Before this week begin, I decide to go long on wheat. However, I did not enter into the market because the pattern of wheat price is gone. It is highly risky to go long on wheat for only Monday and Tuesday. However, the fact is wheat price move only slightly up.

I am luck for not enter into wheat market. However, the judgement of Last Week is wrong.


Cool Resource to Share. Week 5


Another good website about agriculture business.  Quickly responds to the new information. Sometime, offer different opinion than and Bloomberg.  However, this website also have some drawbacks.  One of them is mainly focus on US Southeast agriculture business.


Perfect website offer a lot of data of agriculture and commodity in different country. The chart there is very clear and easy to access.

The Way Ahead, Week 5

This week, I will choose to go long on wheat for a short term. There will be no 11 open contracts situation any more.

According to the report from “Grain stocks held by major exporters are to fall to the tightest since the season that corn broke above $5 a bushel for the first time, and wheat above $7 a bushel, the International Grains Council, cutting further its supply forecasts.”

From demand aspect, “China imported 524,156 tonnes of wheat last month, a rise of 196% on September last year, customs officials said.”   This put a huge upward pressure on the price of wheat.  Here is the graph of China Wheat production.

The production growth of 2012 is only 0.07% compared to 2011.   Furthermore, USDA’s October supply and demand estimates indicate that livestock producers will look to cheaper substitutes for high-priced corn, which should result in stronger demand for wheat.

Compared both the result of technical analysis and fundamental analysis, I believe the price of wheat probably break the moving pattern in next week. The price of wheat is highly likely to go up in the next week.


what went wrong and what went Right. Week 5

I really enjoy to watch market movement this week and I made $4000 gain this week. For me, it is a crazy week. I have 11 contracts before Friday morning.   5 contracts on short corn and 2 long on corn. 3 short contract on Soybean and 1 short contract on Wheat.

What went wrong:

Traders should not be fear about market and be hesitate about committing about his mistake.    Last week, I pick the wrong time to get into the market.  There is a long time lag between the submit and executed.  This week, I find out the only way to decrease time lag is to wake up earlier in the morning and try to place the order within trading time.   

Furthermore, I did not know what I am doing at Tuesday. I choose to go 2 long contract on corn which is contradictory to my own analysis result.  The reason behind is “I am in panic” and I can not see the market trend.   Before this week Wednesday,  I did not have any clue about my trading strategy.  The market continue growth and I keep losing money. I sincerely doubt my previous judgement and under pressure of losing even more. Thus, Those 2 long contracts on corn aim at hedging my risk.   Eventually, I pay the price of being hesitate. I lost $1700 for those two contract.

What went Right: 

At late Tuesday,  I look about the moving pattern of wheat.

Recently, from August to last Friday, Wheat price is fluctuate downward sloping.  The price  ceiling of current wave can not access over the previous wave peak. However, I did not believe the pattern will continue in the future.  I get in at Wednesday and enjoy $ 845 gain for a single contract.  By the way, I really thanks the help from Brady and Andrew, they really give me some brilliant idea of trading.

The corn and soybean contract is really unclear at this moment. 

There is a clear head and shoulder in this graph. The price continually decrease in September and fluctuate in Oct.  The result of technical analysis is price will go up as price already hit the floor.  However, the fundamental analysis shows the excess demand is not very well this year.   Besides that, the stock number reach the 17 years lowest point. The price could be collapse in the near short as stock out situation.

The Road Ahead in Week 4

This week I choose to go short on corn, when the price is reaching a relative high level.

I will not offset the previous contract, I believe the trend of soybean and corn still downward sloping. For a long-term point of view, the price will decrease again.  I will not enter into the market at the first day.   Because, the time to enter still unclear for me.

Hold what I have got is my strategy for the beginning of this week.


Cool Resource Week 4

Providing professional data, graph of commodity market, give a clear view about historical performance of many commodities. Although the data can not be download, it is very clear and accuracy.

Compared to Bloomberg, provide more detail information and quickly responds to market event.

What went wrong/Right. Week 4

Last week, I choose to go short on four contracts.  3 of them short on corn and 1 short on Soybean.   On Monday, the market price declined to the lowest in this week.  My price in soybean is 1492 and Corn is 742.    Unfortunately, I suffer loss another $3299 this week.

The trend of soybean and corn is downward sloping.  After a fierce drop lasting from last weekends to Monday, traders seem a perfect opportunity to buy in.  This could be a critical reason why the market bounce.  Also, from USDA report, the corn harvest level is lower than expected in revised report. This is a bullish sign for corn.

There are several lesson I want share:

1. Do not follow the hurde.  Last week, I choose to get into the market after seeming the corn and soybean price crumble down at the weekends.  However, the trading system takes time to execute my order at the lowest price before 4:00pm.  This give me a big surprise.

2. Do not get stubborn. I should get out of the market at the first day. On Monday,  I made 1000 gains.  Although I did make some money, I overestimate the possibility of oversells.  At the same time, underestimate it is a great opportunity for trade to go long at relative long price.  The price fluctuate a little bit for the next two days.  But I still hold the contracts.



Week 3 What went wrong and Cool Source


Last week, I choose to go long about the corn and soybean.

The result turn about to be the diagram below:


Today, I decide to close one contract, the reason is quiet simple. I need to stop loss at this moment.  Reviewing last week strategy, the reason to go long on both contracts is I believe the market will rebound in the near future.  I pick the wrong time to get into the market.   Although the stockpiles about soybean and corn are very low, the market was already responding.  Adding to the effect of speculation, the price of corn and soybean is on a relative high level.  Thus, the price of corn and soybean should be decline in a relatively long future.

Another reason that leads to my failure is not doing any technical analysis at all. Thus, this week I combine the results about both technical analysis and fundamental analysis.

Learn from the last week poor performance, I will change my strategy into short on Corn and follow the news more frequently.


There is the some cool new resource:

Week 3 , New market strategy


From USDA report, US soybean harvest is 4.9% higher than previous expected, while the corn output may be 10.62 billion bushels, less than last month’s forecast of 10.73 billion. After peaking price in September, soybean prices retreat to the July price.  In next few days, the market price will be rebound a little.  As MACD index indicate the opportunity that soybean price will enjoy a small surge.

However, from a long-term perspective, the market price is still waited for a chance of rising, again.  Soybean market price probably will not facing a really climbing until next year.  From Bloomberg research, “In Oct. 5 Corn is trading 42 percent above its five-year average in Chicago, while wheat and soybeans are 25 and 30 percent higher, respectively, after dry weather hurt crops from the U.S. to Russia.”  At this current moment, consumer will only buy the grains when there is immediate need.

There is no doubt, the supply chain in the next year will eventually being tighten. As the serious drought affect several main soybean and corn exports, declining output may lead world stockpiles of both soybeans and corn to 177 million tons by the end of the marketing year, or about 16 percent of demand, the tightest since the 1975-76 season, USDA data show.  Referring David Sheppard, managing director at Gainsborough, England-based grain exporter Gleadell Agriculture Ltd. “It’s a time to keep your nerve and wait for the markets to rebound, because they probably will.”

Based on the previous analyst, I believe in next week, the price of soybean will rebound a little. Thus, I will hold my last week contract about long on Soybean, while go short on corn.




