I really enjoy to watch market movement this week and I made $4000 gain this week. For me, it is a crazy week. I have 11 contracts before Friday morning. 5 contracts on short corn and 2 long on corn. 3 short contract on Soybean and 1 short contract on Wheat.
What went wrong:
Traders should not be fear about market and be hesitate about committing about his mistake. Last week, I pick the wrong time to get into the market. There is a long time lag between the submit and executed. This week, I find out the only way to decrease time lag is to wake up earlier in the morning and try to place the order within trading time.
Furthermore, I did not know what I am doing at Tuesday. I choose to go 2 long contract on corn which is contradictory to my own analysis result. The reason behind is “I am in panic” and I can not see the market trend. Before this week Wednesday, I did not have any clue about my trading strategy. The market continue growth and I keep losing money. I sincerely doubt my previous judgement and under pressure of losing even more. Thus, Those 2 long contracts on corn aim at hedging my risk. Eventually, I pay the price of being hesitate. I lost $1700 for those two contract.
What went Right:
At late Tuesday, I look about the moving pattern of wheat.

Recently, from August to last Friday, Wheat price is fluctuate downward sloping. The price ceiling of current wave can not access over the previous wave peak. However, I did not believe the pattern will continue in the future. I get in at Wednesday and enjoy $ 845 gain for a single contract. By the way, I really thanks the help from Brady and Andrew, they really give me some brilliant idea of trading.
The corn and soybean contract is really unclear at this moment. 
There is a clear head and shoulder in this graph. The price continually decrease in September and fluctuate in Oct. The result of technical analysis is price will go up as price already hit the floor. However, the fundamental analysis shows the excess demand is not very well this year. Besides that, the stock number reach the 17 years lowest point. The price could be collapse in the near short as stock out situation.