Shopping online on the single day

Many online shopping often knows, every single day, taobao mall held fifty percent of crazy promotion period. Singles day of 2011, Taobao mall generated sales of 936 million yuan , and the total retail sales of Hong Kong shopping paradise one day but around 850 million or so. In 2012, the turnover of Taobao is 19.2 billion, and 2013 becomes 35 billion yuan.

In fact, many goods is on the basis of original increase half price, and now with folded do activities, such as the shopping price and previous price. It’s a kind of cheating customers, using the psychological people keen on gaining petty advantages to attract customers buying some unnecessary goods. There have been media reported double tenth taobao after a partial businessman fraud, taobao reputation declined, for “false discount”. Others insist that double tenth a peak in the artificial wave, little impact on the development of the economy as a whole. Used to reflect the media comment in succession, double tenth one is a carnival, calls for a double tenth after a don’t become a “feather”, don’t count on double tenth generation continued economic effect.

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