NMG- ‘Witness’ Exhibition Programming Project Outline


To develop an art program adaptable to all ages of children and youth, linked to the gallery’s current exhibition Witness. In the process, I will be participating in workshops, writing proposals with budgets, attending artist events, and doing a final presentation of the program.


-Getting comfortable working with a lot of flexibility

-Research and further understanding of different learning models

-Research and further understanding of the theory of the gaze and the current exhibition

-Networking, supporting artists


-Research skills

-Programming Skills

-Presentation Skills


My research for learning models will mainly take place through observation of the different models in practical application and research of the theories and artists behind the exhibition will happen online through scholarly essays, personal websites, as well as through conversations with the gallery curator. As for programming skills, although I have never created a program in connection with an exhibition, I have experience creating daily lesson plans through my volunteer work with Gr.3 students and have also organized summer camp programs which have probably provided me with a base in developing a curriculum. I will be working closely with Kristina and receiving feedback from Sarah which will guide me in creating a better program. Presentation skills will be improved through practice and participation in workshops throughout the internship. All in all, I am going to start a sketchbook/journal to record my research, design programs, and note inspiration in order to improve all the skills above.


Sept.30- First Meeting

Oct.6- Fresh Talk Series (Kristina Fiedrich as speaker)

Oct.7- Gallery Tour/ Exhibition & Artist Research

Oct.14- Program Development

Oct.18- Mediated Visions (evening event, DOXA film screening)

Oct.21- Program Development

Oct.28- Program Development

Nov.4- School Group (GR.2) Workshop

Nov.6- End of Exhibition

Nov.18? TBA- Final presentation of program

*Schedule subject to change*


I will be on site at the gallery every Friday and hours will differ each week. I will also be attending various artist events as a part of my internship which will fulfill my goals in terms of networking and support. My direct supervisor is Kristina who is in charge of developing and running all the programs in the gallery and the city of New Westminster and I will also be brainstorming and sharing ideas with Sarah, the gallery’s curator. I will be receiving feedback from both Kristina and Sarah along the way and also through a final presentation at the end of the internship. Communication will happen via email as often as needed. Things will probably change and be added as the project moves forward.