VABF Creative Response

For our creative response, Yihan and I decided to make a collaborative collage book using materials we had access to during the partnership. We had the chance to take a variety of tasks and positions during the partnership, and we thought a collage book would be a good way to reflect our experiences.


We see the book as our personal experiences working with the VABF for the past 3 months.


We used photographs and materials from the book fair such as their pamphlets and flyers in our collage. We also wanted to represent the small details of our personal experiences – such as incorporating a picture of nails (setting up the silent auction at the Fundraiser), and screenshots from the Transit app and snapshots from the bus to depict our long commute to East Vancouver.


As membership secretaries, we spent a lot of time updating and reorganizing the membership list on Google Spreadsheet. We decided to incorporate that into our collage along with other membership materials (membership sign up sheets).


Yihan and I worked on different pages and then we assembled them into a book. We thought this would reflect the way each of us brought our own different set of skills and worked together as a team. Collage and book are also not the main media in our own art practices, so it was a fun challenge for us.

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VABF Outline

Jackie and Yihan are working with Project Space for the Vancouver Art Book Fair. Our main duties are event support at major events and membership secretary.

Important dates:

  • Orientation Meeting, September 28th, 2016, VABF Studio Space
  • Membership Drive Fundraiser, September 30th, 2016, Remington Gallery
  • Vancouver Art Book Fair, October 14th – 16th, 2016, Vancouver Art Gallery
  • Monthly Open Studio, November 18th, 2016, VABF Studio

Our main tasks include:

  • Exhibition Installation
    • assisting with setup and take down for major events
  • Membership booth/ Reception
    • promote and facilitate membership registration during major events
  • Membership Secretary (ongoing)
    • reorganize current membership database system
    • Entering new membership data
  • Digitalize materials for online purposes
  • photograph books and write short descriptions for Tumblr launch

Skills needed:

  • Time management
  • Problem solving
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Interpersonal communication skills
  • Photography
  • Google Spreadsheet

We wish to gain skills in exhibition installation, data gathering, develop problem solving skills within the exhibition setting, and better communication skills. We hope to work with people from different parts of the art community and learn more about the local art scene and opportunities for artists. We will gain these skills by being proactive, and ask questions, talk to people, and always be willing to be challenged and take on different tasks.

Our partner expects us to be present at all the major events, be self-motivated, proactive, and be open for guidance and feedback. We are also expected to provide feedback and suggest changes to their existing membership data system. Since the two of us are doing the same tasks, we are also expected to keep in touch with each other and work as a team.

We are directly working with Sarah Clark Ellis (Curatorial Assitant), and Lisa Curry (Board Chair). Communication and feedback are on weekly/bi-weekly basis in person or through email.



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