SWARM 18 – September 7 & 8, 2017

Swarm is a 2-night event that marks the launch of Vancouver’s artist-run centre (ARC) programming season with exhibition openings, performances, screenings and special events. Artist-run Centres (ARCs) are collectives and non-profit organizations, run by artists, supporting new and innovative practices in the arts. With a rich history that spans over forty years, ARCs have had a significant impact on the cultural ecology in Canada and around the world.

Thursday – Mount Pleasant and Beyond

  • *grunt gallery – 350 E 2nd  *UBC MFA student/TA Aileen Bahmanipour showing
  • Malaspina Printmakers – 1555 Duranleau St (Granville Island)
  • VIVO Media Arts – 2625 Kaslo

Friday – Chinatown and DTES

  • 221A – 221 E Georgia
  • Access Gallery – 222 E Georgia
  • Artspeak – 233 Carrall
  • Dynamo – 103 – 30 East 6th
  • Centre A – 229 E Georgia
  • Cineworks – Crab Park E Waterfront, or if rain 235 Alexander
    Gallery Gachet – 88 East Cordova
  • LIVE Biennale – 21 E Pender
  • Or Gallery – 555 Hamilton
  • The Phoenix – 45 West Hastings (back alley entrance)