Plan B out, on to plan XYZ

by rebecca ~ July 14th, 2005. Filed under: Beginning Spiral, Poems & art.


Just a quick message to say that the new job at M. University didn’t pan out, but I sensed it wasn’t the right place when I visited–I mean–my ideals perfectly matched the university’s ideals; yet the realities of the place contradicted our ideals. Make sense? In other words, the university was more closed and conservative than its presentation of itself, although some lovely, valiant people were there trying to keep its ideals alive…it looked like a tough task. The sad part is I would have loved to live near the ocean, but maybe some other shore awaits me. Thus, here we go, folks, onto the next option! I am always a fan of options…

The best thing about such outcomes (for me) is that they provide excellent incentive to re-evaluate where I am and where I wish to be…and this time around I realize I am exactly where I want to be–even if my current job/situation can’t last forever–but what can? I probably wouldn’t be as excited about my life if it seemed static and set in tracks for the years to come…

I enjoy riding the wild horse of life, with freedom in the skies. It may seem odd but whenever one door closes, it seems to me that twenty thousand windows open up at the same time! And I am good at climbing through windows. I am glad I have the skill to see things this way, as it helps me out again and again. Long live human agency and the power to (re)invent one’s life!

1 Response to Plan B out, on to plan XYZ

  1.   Aimee

    Oh boy can I relate to this post, Rebecca. The story of my life…and I sometimes wonder if I will ever be in a position/job to stop looking for the next best job. You are right about the door closing and many windows opening. The problem usually lies in that the windows are generally not paying enough for me to survive…or feel that my education was truly worht the financial expenditure. Hmmm. When will I stop living check to check and just start living? Time shall tell.

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