Got access to Connect’ (the live UBC-wide Blackboard 9 production server) this week . Now we can start to actually build the MEDICOL courses.
The one Vista – MEDICOL course is now broken up into 4 (possibly 5) BB9, and it’s really a migration. It’s a rebuild, not quite starting from scratch, but pretty close.
This is great news for the Migration Team, we’ve been working in theory for a while, but now can start to put it in practice.
There’s few ‘tricks’ we’re using. Nothing too fancy.
First make all the courses look the same in terms of basic left-hand navigation:
Second: Create an icon bank that acts as shortcuts to the blocks and folders. This is (sort of) non-standard BB as we have to discover the links and put them on the icons. And, of course, we’re storing the actual html in the Content Collection so can edit the nasty html from an external text-editor with BB drive. Nice….