Wendy's Blog

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November 22nd, 2011 by wendyyu

As a basketball player, Stephen’s recent post regarding the NBA Lockout caught my eye. In his post he talks about how the players would be the “losers” if the deal fell through as they ” will suffer more in terms of salary loss” in comparison to the owners.

Since his post [dated in October], both sides met for a few times in hopes of working out a deal. However, on November 14th it was concluded that all games through December 15th would not take place as the players refused the owners’ proposed deals and disbanded their labour union.

As a long time NBA fan, I am outraged. The league is proposing to replace the soft salary cap (58mil per team) with a hard cap (48 mil). Even though I understand the players’ refusal to implement these changes, but on average they have already lost $220,000 after missing the first month of the [regular] season. I agree with Stephen that the players are the losers here. They seem to forget that this is their job, and at the end of the day, if they don’t play, they don’t get paid.

Though the chances are slim, I am praying that a deal will be worked out and I can enjoy some games on Christmas Day.


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