Hello world!

Welcome to UBC Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!


Thanks UBC blog. You’re right, this IS my first blog post.

Actually, I’m currently in the airport! Yes, waiting for my flight into Mexico City. It’s actually my second day, as I didn’t get on yesterday. Part of me really wants to just get to Mexico and get settled in, and the other part is sort of loving the fact I don’t need to face this giant fear that I haven’t properly dealt with. I’m so scared!!!!

Of course I have some pretty typical feelings about leaving; the excitement of adventure, meeting new people who you apparently become pretty good friends with, eating my way through a new country, and learning a new language, the list goes on. But the feelings that I seem to hang onto most are those of anxiety, fear, apprehension. That sounds a bit dramatic, but there have been moments of complete “what the heck am I doing?!” I’m going to be away from my mom for like a year. WHAT?! I a giant baby and I don’t know how to deal with this. You could say I’ve done this kind of thing before: fresh out of high school, I was away for nine months participating the the Katimavik program, and I like to travel for long periods of time (I was away for most of last summer). This though, feels different. I’m not staying in Canada as with Katimavik, and I am living here rather than taking a vacation.


But anyways,  as scared as I am, at the same time its one of my favourite feelings. It means I am going on an adventure, surrounded by a discomfort that I can only grow and learn from. It means I’m pushing myself out of my boundaries and keeping things interesting! OH YEAH!


**Edit: Although I was writing this post at the airport at the time, I am finishing it here, having safely arrived in Mexico. I was expected not to fly that day, with over 6 people oversold. But with some help from the flying Air Canada god, I somehow managed to snag a seat at the very back of the plane. And we flew over the Grand Canyon!!!


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