Recently, the invasion of Ebola Virus has become a serious issue in the world. The Ebola Virus first harmed people in western Africa, and it has later invaded into the United States. The fast expansion of the Virus is terrifying people all over the world. The invasion of Ebola Virus brings negative effects to different realms. Many schools have closed for the safety of students, and governments are working hard to protect their citizens. Additionally, I believe that the Ebola Virus is also affecting commerce.
–The expansion of the virus in western Africa would seriously affect the local tourism.
Western African countries used to earn money from tourism, but the invasion of the Ebola virus destroys the business and brings panic to local people. Western African countries are suffering from this virus. They have difficulties supplying food to citizens because they do not have enough fund and they are not able to earn money from the local tourism anymore.
–Ebola affects the airways
The airways are also being affected. People return their tickets because they believe that it is safer to stay at home during this alarming period of time. The airways gain less profit due to Ebola, but they cannot change this situation.
–The stock price can be affected.
For instance, the stock price of airways may decrease. By contrast, the stock price of medical companies which produce medicine related to Ebola is likely to increase.
The Ebola Virus is horrible, and it has negative effects on education, health, politics and commerce. It is truly necessary to find a way to control further expansion of the Ebola Virus.
Reference: Pictures from