Author Archives: Yanfei(Amy) Yang

Long-term Skills VS Short-term Fund

The United Nations, Development Department

If  the United Nations was fully fundedwhy would we need the Arc or social enterprise? 



Teaching people skills to fish is more useful than giving people fish to eat 

  This is a very famous Chinese old saying, and its meaning is obvious. In Chinese history, people normally fished for a living. There was a story which stated that one day, a rich man gave a basket of fishes to a group of people in a poor village, and they were very happy. On the same day, the rich man taught another group of people how to fish, and gave them fishing nets. After a few months, when the man came back to the village, he found that the group of people who knew skills to fish lived better lives, and became more affluent, whereas the other group of people still lived poor lives when they finished eating those fishes. 


 I think the meaning of this story is similar to the value of the Arc and social enterprises

Skills are more important than fund. The Arc and social enterprises are here to help people learn business skills —

  The United Nations could help people get out of poverty and create better communities. However, the aid may only sustain temporarily. In order to build wealthier communities on their own, people need to learn skills. The Arc and social enterprises set up long-term relationships with people from developing countries, and teach them business skills through many processes and experiences. 


The Arc and social enterprises give people more opportunities to practice —

  Social enterprises run businesses in different developing countries. Thus, local people have more chances to get involved in real businesses and practice their skills in various cases. Local people could gain valuable experience, earn money and start their own businesses in the future. Social enterprises bring sustainable benefit to people in impoverished countries. 


The idea of the Arc and social enterprises is a breakthrough in business world.

Reference: Pictures from


3 Ways help you motivate people you do not like –(via HBR blog)

Harvard Business Review Blog


Before class 17, we did a prep reading called “Power is the Great Motivator”. I am interested in this article and the topic because I have great passion in management. After class, I wanted to learn more about how managers should lead their teams, and I found this article, “How to Motivate Someone You Don’t Like”, on Harvard Business Review blog.


Even though you are a good manager, your employees may not always be the people you like. So what should you do?

The business world is complex, and so is your team. There are different people with various backgrounds in one team, so it is sometimes inevitable to meet someone you do not like. However, as a responsible manager, you still need to motivate the person even if you don’t like him, because his performance could also affect the outcome. A caring manager should help every team member get involved in the collective work. Based on the article, managers could use three methods to motivate people who they do not like. Managers could spend more time with these employees, focus on the positive sides of these people, and get to the root of employees’ disrespectful behaviors.


My point of view —

I think that this is a very helpful article for managers in all industries. Harmonious relationships with employees would surely help managers become more powerful, and thus it would be easier for managers to achieve their goals. Personally speaking, I really like this article. The reason is that even though the article is written to teach managers how to motivate people they do not like, I also find it useful in normal life. The three methods discussed in the article are not only feasible in the business world, but also in daily life. These techniques could help us build better relationships with other people.



Reference: Pictures from




CSR — Response to Judy Wen’s blog

News from


A few days ago, I read an article named “Faulty Car Part Leads to Death” in Judy Wen’s blog, and I have some personal ideas about the topic of her post. The article basically describes the ignition problem of GM vehicles that causes injuries and death.



GM is not the only manufacturer to be recalled —

GM is not the only manufacturer which accidentally makes defective cars and experiences the recall of products. Over the past years, Toyota cars had a problem with acceleration; Chevrolet cars had a problem with their engines, and Takata produced faulty airbags.



My point of view —

Personally speaking, I think that the vehicle manufacturers should be more responsible to their consumers. According to a news article I read, some motor companies hide the defects of their products on purpose, in order to avoid recalls of their vehicles and lower manufacturing cost. I believe that this action is very irresponsible and immoral. Safety is the most important factor to be considered when making a car. Some manufacturers ignore the importance, and thus the consumers become victims.



The corporate social responsibility is crucial in the vehicle industry, and being responsible to consumers could avoid similar disasters happening in the future. The companies should benefit the consumers, and provide better service. They should at least produce safe cars that would not harm consumers. Also, regulators should be prudent. If regulators are indolent, the cars may have faults, and the sacrifice could be consumers’ lives.

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility Lifecycle

Reference: Pictures from

Sustainability — Toyota takes the lead in the industry

News from

This year, Toyota maintains its leading position in the vehicle market, and it is projecting annual sales of 10.2 million in 2014. If Toyota succeeds, the 10.2 million sales would be a new record in the automobile industry.


The competition is fierce, and it is not easy to always stay on the top. Nevertheless, I believe that Toyota has the ability to keep its position unless there is an unpredictable disaster like the Japanese Earthquake in 2011. Toyota runs a sustainable business, and the company uses the idea of sustainability in different areas. Customers prefer vehicles that are safe, luxurious and environmentally-friendly.

Sustainability= Social + Environment + Economic


Social — creating a better future

Toyota has 3 special features in its business. First of all, Toyota always manufactures better cars that exceed customers’ expectations. Secondly, Toyota has designed several projects in order to enrich lives of communities. Toyota also has a stable base of business. Providing good service and products to consumers is the most important thing in every industry, and Toyota always puts its customers first.


Environment — respecting the planet

Toyota makes models that are environmentally-friendly. The company contributes to a low-carbon and recycling-based society. Protecting nature is a basic principle in every industry.


Economic — working together with partners

Toyota has a close relationship with its business partners based on mutual trust. For instance, Toyota works closely with its suppliers in manufacturing activities, and this behavior     would improve the quality of its models. Toyota also believes that the ties with the partners would help promote the Customer First Policy.



Reference: Pictures from

Information about Toyota comes from

How horrible is the Ebola Virus?

News from


Recently, the invasion of Ebola Virus has become a serious issue in the world. The Ebola Virus first harmed people in western Africa, and it has later invaded into the United States. The fast expansion of the Virus is terrifying people all over the world. The invasion of Ebola Virus brings negative effects to different realms. Many schools have closed for the safety of students, and governments are working hard to protect their citizens.             Additionally,  I believe that the Ebola Virus is also affecting commerce.


–The expansion of the virus in western Africa would seriously affect the local tourism.

Western African countries used to earn money from tourism, but the invasion of the Ebola virus destroys the business and brings panic to local people. Western African countries are suffering from this virus. They have difficulties supplying food to citizens because they do not have enough fund and they are not able to earn money from the local tourism anymore.


–Ebola affects the airways

The airways are also being affected. People return their tickets because they believe that it is safer to stay at home during this alarming period of time. The airways gain less profit due to Ebola, but they cannot change this situation.


–The stock price can be affected.

For instance, the stock price of airways may decrease. By contrast, the stock price of medical companies which produce medicine related to Ebola is likely to increase.


The Ebola Virus is horrible, and it has negative effects on education, health, politics and commerce. It is truly necessary to find a way to control further expansion of the Ebola Virus.


Reference: Pictures from

Respect should always be the premise

News from


In the business world, projects related to First Nations Issues were, are and will be important, because First Nations is a significant bunch of people in Canada. Governments should pay enough attention to their territories and their reactions toward those projects related to their culture and belongings.

The First Nations Issues in business can sometimes bring an embarrassing situation for both the government and the First Nations groups. On one hand, the government tries to exploit places that are able to provide profit to the citizens; on the other hand, these actions may destroy First Nations’ land and affect their normal life. Thus, whether to execute or not becomes a difficult decision for the government.

What happened in Ottawa–

The government is planning for a project called “Site C hydroelectric megaproject.” The main idea of this project is to construct and operate a dam and  1,100 megawatt hydroelectric generating station on the Peace River. However, the dam could actually destroy farmlands and habitats. Meanwhile, it would also affect the fishing opportunities and ceremonial events of the First Nations. Once the project is executed, there will surely be a lot of people stand up and fight against it.


What to do–

There is a common purpose between the government and the First Nations, and both want to make effort to create a better environment for Canadian people. But what is important is that the government should respect the dignity of First Nations and should protect their legal territories. All in all, business projects related to First Nations Issues should be built upon the respect to First Nations and their belongings.

Reference: Picture from

Will the negative comments affect Apple?

News from


Last Wednesday , Blackberry released its latest smartphone, Passport, and I wrote a blog about it. In the article (please check my last post about Blackberry if you have not read it, thanks), I mentioned that Blackberry’s biggest rivals now are Apple and Samsung. These two brands are currently the most popular ones in the smartphone market, and people believe that Apple and Samsung can easily gain a lot of customers with their great brand reputation.

The problem —

However, recently, when Apple released its iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, there were some negative comments on the phone, and the quality of the latest generation of iPhone has been doubted.

A few days ago, I saw a video online and it shows that a man is trying to bend the iPhone 6 plus using his hands, and within 5 seconds, the iPhone 6 plus really becomes bent. I was kind of shocked by it, and obviously I am not the only person to be shocked after watching the video. People complain about the bent iPhone 6, and start to worry about the quality of this generation’s iPhone products.


Apple’s reaction toward negative comments —

An Apple spokeswoman stood out and responded to this problem. She stated that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus meet or even exceed the demand of customers. This official response somehow appeases customers, but there are still people who keep giving negative comments on the new iPhone models.

The result —

What is surprising is that these negative comments did not affect the sale of iPhone, because people trust this brand and they believe that Apple is related to innovative technology and fancy smartphones with high quality.

Positioning — Apple already has a high and stable position in consumers’ minds, and people believe that Apple is always the best in the industry.

The power of the company comes from the power of its brand.

Thus, will the negative comments and complaints about iPhone make Apple lose its customers?  For me, I don’t think so.


Reference: pictures from

Passport–Blackberry’s turning point

News from

After long time of waiting, Blackberry presents its latest smartphone, Passport, today in London, Dubai and Toronto.


This is a very important step for Blackberry because the market performance of Passport will either lead Blackberry to a revival or to the end of the handset business. Fortunately, the chief executive of Blackberry, John Chen, is pretty optimistic about Passport and Blackberry’s future.

For the past few years, Blackberry had been enduring a hard time in smartphone market. It is not only because of its own unstable financial status,  but also because of the innovative and fancy models released by its rivals, Apple and Samsung. To be honest, as a customer, I would prefer to buy an iPhone rather than a Blackberry because iPhone has prettier appearance and more apps. However, Blackberry did not give up and with the release of Passport, people are guessing if the revival of Blackberry is coming.


Positioning of Blackberry — finding an unoccupied area in order to be the first in the industry

Passport is much different with the old Blackberry models. It has a novel square display and a physical keyboard that doubles as a touchsensitive track pad, and also, Blackberry adds some maturity to Passport.

Direct business model —

What is more remarkable is that Blackberry will sell the phone directly to its target audience rather than relying on wireless carriers’ sales forces. In that way, customers may enjoy a more genial service. Just like what we learnt in the last class, this direct business model could help company better meet the demand of customers.



The competition in the industry is fierce —

Since Apple just released its iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus, there are still many concerns about Blackberry’s future because the rivalry against Apple will be drastic. It is just a beginning for Passport; everything is still uncertain. Will Passport lead Blackberry to a revival or to an end? We will just wait and see.


Reference: pictures from

A place to eat, or a place to stay in?

News from


The situation —

A few years ago, I spent my summer time taking French classes. To save my time, I always went to the McDonald’s next to the language alliance to grab some food and drink for breakfast. Until now, I still remember the scene in McDonald’s during morning time. There were always some people sleeping on the coach or reading newspapers without any food. Some homeless people even spent the whole night there. Every morning when I went there, things were always the same.

Even today, these “customers” without food are still a big problem waiting to be solved. This issue not only affects McDonald’s, but also other fast food restaurants. People can simply pay for a coffee and stay there for a whole day. Managers do not have the right to kick these people out, because they do buy something, and they are customers with their own right.

Value Proposition of the business —

Fast food restaurants are supposed to provide service and convenience for people in rush, but not for people who have no place to stay. Those real customers become really frustrated. They have no choice but to take out their food to somewhere else to eat, simply because their seats are occupied by people with newspapers or only a cup of coffee.



My point of view —

Since there isn’t any specific regulation about this issue, restaurants cannot do anything to those customers with no food, and some people believe that kicking out homeless people is immoral. However,  it is also unfair for those customers who pay a lot for their food. At least, they deserve a place to sit.

Are fast food restaurants places to eat, or places to stay in? It is such a hard and embarrassing situation. Maybe it is time for governments to take some actions and protect the right of both customers and companies.

Reference: Pictures from

Business Ethics–Unlawful act banned, new Threat shows up

News from


Banning animal testing can be a great move. However, if it is based on the sacrifice of consumers, things are actually getting worse.



Social responsibility in business —

This news reminds me of how Friedman[1] defines the social responsibility in business. “There is one and only one social responsibility of business—to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud.” [2]

My point of view —

I personally agree with this point, because the basic goal of a business is to make profit. Nevertheless, what I focus more on is the premise, which states that there shouldn’t be any deception or fraud. Back to the news, if cosmetics companies don’t use other ways to test their products, the consumers will become victims. In that way, companies are breaking rules and deceiving their consumers.

Summary —

It is true that the social responsibility of business is to increase profit, but what is more important is that companies should follow basic social rules at first. This is my understanding of business ethics.

Reference: [1] Milton Friedman (July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist, statistician, and writer. Retrieved from

[2] Milton Friedman. The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. Retrieved from The New York Times Magazine

pictures from