It is oftentimes seen that being successful in the business world is defined as swimming in money, driving a Lamborghini, and living in a mansion. Along with this image comes a negative connotation of selfishness and greed that can never be satisfied. However, as stated in our guest lecture with Nolan Watson, success is defined only by oneself and does not need to imply a degenerate sense of morality.
Succeeding in the business world does not significantly differ from succeeding in any general walk of life. Hard work, persistence, and creativity are all necessary in order to accomplish what one desires. However, success is in the eyes of the beholder. Some look towards social enterprise, others look towards real estate. Some look towards promotions, others look towards family. Images of success vary from person to person, but the personal values held by successful people do not have to be influenced by their accomplishments.
One of the key points emphasized in the guest speaker lecture was decency as a human being. Accomplishing everything one sets out to be and becoming powerful and wealthy does not define one’s principles. Decency as a human being should and can be kept all throughout one’s career.