Google Researches into Technology

Google is undergoing the process of developing several new projects, but they are still mainly concerned about increasing the profitability in the two areas that dominants the usage market but makes relatively small amount of money: the smartphones and YouTube. Google has invested heavily in the Android system, and is currently trying to improve its search algorithms to cater for the wide range of consumers that uses smartphones as their primary search tool. While with YouTube, Google is also working to make it more mobile friendly, and expanded the paid channel for audiences to pay directly to watch content from certain producers.

Being the tech giant, I think that Google is a great example of how technology is embedded into business. As discussed in class previously, innovation is a significant aspect of technology and this is also what Google have been working on. It is experimenting on a few futuristic and high-risk projects, such as the self-driving cars, Google Glass the “wearable computer”, the WiFi balloons that beam Internet signals to remote areas, and Calico the newest research house specializing cellular causes and effects of aging. Even though these ventures seems to need a lot of years of development and experimentation, but I am sure that successful results will redefine technology and create another milestone for Google.


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