Mobile Gym Faces Funding Hardships

Debbie Brown had launched a mobile gym, Adventure Bus Inc, by purchasing a 72-seat school bus and retrofitting it into a mobile gym that caters for children. The bus contains facilities such as monkey bars and rock-climbing wall, with specially designed fitness activities. Ms. Brown started up as an entrepreneur by researching the concept from other countries and bringing it into Canada. With strong word-of-mouth advertising, the business venture has been a success, having growing popularity in birthday, school and community events.

However, Ms. Brown is now unable to catch up with the increasing demand and needs to purchase a second bus. But funding is a major problem, especially along with her unwillingness to partner up and constraints to having official loans due to her draining personal finances.

I think that this entrepreneurship presents a very interesting and innovative idea. However, it is essential for Ms. Brown to solve her funding problem in order for the business to further expand. Various suggestions have been proposed, of which I think microloans from family and friends would be viable, where she would be able to pay the debt easily with less financial stress. Also, working with parent volunteers instead of paid staff would be beneficial in cutting costs and creating better relationships with the community.


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