I must admit the edit of the album is representative and inclusive of different cultures and nationalities on our beautiful planet, which makes the eliminations very difficult. In considering the purpose of this album, I want to deliver peaceful and joyful songs from people from all continents. At the same time, I would like to present as many musical instruments as humans created so far, civilized and uncivilized, natural and modern. The reason behind my criteria is the variety of musical instruments can fully present human intelligence and histories. Also, each of them has an identical frequency, which will increase the possibility of an acceptance by aliens.
My list:
In exploring the visualization this week, I found it very interesting how our choices landed us in the same colour community in the visualization, yet our criteria could be considered opposite. While you express that the selection was inclusive of culturess around the world, I felt the list was Eurocentric and not representative of our actual human population. And while you selected your choices based on the diversity of sounds, I tried to fix the imbalance in cultural representation. It’s so strange how these different perspectives yield similar results!