[Assignment 2] Legacy of Learning Projects

Notes on Jan 24: My choice of assignment 2 will go to option 1: Inquiry e-Folio Instead of designing a STEM learning experience, as an administrator working closely with new edtech developers, I would like to… 1. to understand the challenges that educators encounter in math and science courses by adding more scholarly research into …

[Week 2 Discussion] Conceptual Challenges

I once had a similar explanation to Heather’s private universe back to middle school. After a brief introduction to astronomy, I incorrectly believed the earth moved around the sun in a spiral course, so the orbit looked like a copper coil. In that class, my teacher used a particular term ‘regression’ to describe the period …

[Week 2 Discussion] Unpacking Assumptions

I believe the good use of technology in learning math and science could be leveraged to solve math and science classrooms’ most challenging problem: learning engagement. For my undergrad, I studied math and business at the University of Waterloo. I’ve noticed there is a big difference between pure math classrooms and applied math (stats, finance, …

[Week 1 Discussion] Auto e-ography

My first impression regarding integrating technologies into mathematic by myself was in grade 5. When I try to recall that moment, I’m not sure if I was working on a tricky Olympiad math problem or another kind of math homework. I was at home alone, but I was eager to know if I had the …

A bit about myself

Where you live (town and country)? Hi everyone! My name is Yi. After eight years of learning in Canada, I currently live in my hometown Nanjing, an ancient and beautiful city that used to be the capital of 6 dynasties in China. I graduated from the University of Waterloo with a BMath in Applied Mathematics …