Compose two entries for your inquiry e-folio option: In addition to a copy of your discussion post for this week, add a commentary on your perspectives after the symposium in your inquiry e-folio, for a total of 2 required entries.
I resonated with Shulman’s statement of how a knowledgeable teacher that knows general pedagogical strategies can not be a good teacher (1986). Think back to the content I learned in middle schools, and I merely recalled lectures and pure theories in science and math classrooms. Every single scientific theory I remember is directly related to a piece of memory of a specific experiment in labs, or a project in collaboration. Although my math teachers along the way are always passionate about teaching and easy-approaching for after-class consultations, there is a lack of memory of math classes compared to the vivid memory of science labs. I was able to stand out in learning math, but there was a lack of understanding of the relationship between math and reality back to high school. As I proceeded to the undergrad studies of applied math classes, I finally build the connection between numbers, equations, theories, models, and the real world by one after one project. And in most cases, our projects were conducted through technologies such as using analytical software to build mathematical models, where coding skill was necessary throughout the process.
PCK and TPACK could be the trickiest issue for secondary school math teachers. Unlike the tons of scientific simulation experiments with and without technologies, there is a lack of entertaining or comprehensive programs designed for secondary math classrooms. Students who are less confident with math learning could be further discouraged by the complexity of setting up technology tools as we have witnessed in the case studies in week 2. The TPACK strategies in this particular education section should emphasize the user-friendly interface to encourage all students’ participation instead of employing cutting-edge tools to attract math minds. Gaming on math concepts is always my personal choice. I was so into Sudoku when I was a child, and now, there are many more options on the field. is my to-go place to check new updates on educational games since it has straightforward user interface displays.
While the discussions around TPACK strategies is in trend, PCK strategies in high school math learning still attract my attention due to their reasonable costs and ease of convenience. Drawing dots by different columns and rows on the blackboard to explain why 4 times 7 is equivalent to 7 times 4 by results is still an effective method nowadays (my classmates raised this question in the Grade 10 math classroom). Here is an article I found online that introduces 17 innovative mathematics projects that inspire students:
You may know some of these simple experiments with minimal use of digital technologies. Still, they provide hands-on experience for students to construct meaningful and artistic artifacts and help them understand some abstract terms in math. Among these 17 projects, I love the activity of drawing harmonographs the most. Some creations like below demos could help students witness the beauty of math and increase their internal motivation in learning. Also, this is something students can share with friends and family to “show off” and receive recognitions. 🙂
Shulman, L.S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15(2), 4 -14. Text available on Connect.
17 Innovative Mathematics Projects that Inspire Students. (2021, Feb).
The second entry should address one of the following prompts (choose one):
What perceived issue or problem are the Jasper materials responding to? Do you agree that this is an issue or problem? What does the current literature that you have read say about this issue? How is this issue addressed in the design of the Jasper materials? In what ways do contemporary videos available for math instruction and their support materials (c.f. Khan Academy, Crash Course, BBC Learn “Classroom Clips” and “Academic Earth”, video clips in Number Worlds, or others) address or not address these issues?
What is the theoretical framework underpinning the development of the Jasper series? What kind of teaching and learning activities do the materials support and what is the role of technology? In your view, what are the potential cognitive and social affordances of the technology; in other words, how can video technology enhance learning? What are these affordances for students with learning challenges or learning issues in math? Take a look now at Math Pursuits at the University of Cincinnati and their “Classroom Connections” Video Clips. In what ways do the videos in Classroom Connections and the support materials on the site exemplify these affordances?
What evidence exists regarding anchored instruction? What are some important nuances of the research that are pertinent to your practice? What further inquiries or questions does the research reported in the articles raise for you (e.g. regarding evaluation, professional development, disabilities and/or the content area you teach or would like to promote etc)? Finally, in what ways might a current technology for math (Eg. Mathletics, CTC Math, IXL, Dragonbox, or others) address in part this question?
How does this technology support learning and conversely how might it confound learning? What suggestions do you have for how the Jasper materials or other digital video might be utilized in your context (include suggestions for activities that do not involve the videos)? What research supports your suggestions? How might the video and/or the activities be augmented for children with learning issues in math? How have or can the contemporary digital technologies and/or their websites also support these suggestions for children with learning issues (eg. Prodigy, Desmos, King of Math, Math Bingo, Reflex Math, or others).
Creating digital video is now more available and more efficient than it was when the Jasper series were initially developed. Briefly, if given the opportunity, what kind of mathematical or science adventure might you design? Why? Pay attention to your underlying assumptions about teaching and learning regarding your design and your definition of technology. How would instruction in this adventure help to address misconceptions in math or science for some students?