The fraction is a challenging topic in primary schools’ math classrooms. Some students have problems with procedural knowledge, and they experience hard times calculating with fractions. While procedural challenge could be overcome through practices, the conceptual misunderstanding is the real issue for students with a basic introduction to whole numbers. Some students confuse if fractions are real numbers, and some students have trouble expanding their conceptual understanding of fractions to other rational numbers such as decimals, percentages, and ratios.
Zhang et al.(2020) have developed an experimental practice based on two tablet games for students in grade three to learn this challenging but essential concept in the world of rational numbers. Researchers have proven that the proper use of educational games in teaching fractions can make learning more efficient. I would like to integrate one of their tablet games to build a simple lesson based on the GEM model from Khan (2007):
Khan, S. (2007). Model-based inquiries in chemistry (Links to an external site.). Science Education, 91(6), 877-905. Available in Course Readings.
Zhang, L., Shang, J., Pelton, T., & Pelton, L. F. (2020). Supporting primary students’ learning of fraction conceptual knowledge through digital games. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36(4), 540–548.
Mar 22, 2021Mar 22 at 11:37pm
This is a good lesson! Would you have them do the game in pairs or alone?