[Metheory] IP3: Tools and Technologies in Context

Lev Vygotsky’s Paradigm Chart (Used de Castell & Luke’s (1986) paradigm chart as a model; rephrased Mcleod’s (2022) article filling in this chart) Lev Vygotsky was a Soviet developmental psychologist in the early 20th century. Inspired by Piaget, Vygotsky developed a more sophisticated system of cognitive development in children, today known as sociocultural theory. Unfortunately, …

[Metheory] IP5: Technologies of Externalization

During the COVID-19 school closure, online education as a substitute option worked fine for some courses and some learners but not for embodied knowledge at all. Not being a teacher myself, I can’t imagine how some elementary and middle school courses focused on hands-on activities were accomplished through cameras. For example, elementary school crafting, drawing, …

[Metatheory] Final Project & Individual Reflection

Twine Game: Road to Heroism (Digital Citizenship Edition) A zipped file to download, edit and play: Road to Heroism-Digital citizenship edition.html A direct link to gameplay: https://r6k45r7p.play.borogove.io/  Co-Creators: Emily Olson, Leo Jiang and Yi Lu Instructor: Prof. Jen Jenson Individual Reflection “Learning from experienced designs and designers: How well (and seriously!) did your team follow, …