[Metheory] IP3: Tools and Technologies in Context

Lev Vygotsky’s Paradigm Chart (Used de Castell & Luke’s (1986) paradigm chart as a model; rephrased Mcleod’s (2022) article filling in this chart) Lev Vygotsky was a Soviet developmental psychologist in the early 20th century. Inspired by Piaget, Vygotsky developed a more sophisticated system of cognitive development in children, today known as sociocultural theory. Unfortunately, …

[Metheory] IP5: Technologies of Externalization

During the COVID-19 school closure, online education as a substitute option worked fine for some courses and some learners but not for embodied knowledge at all. Not being a teacher myself, I can’t imagine how some elementary and middle school courses focused on hands-on activities were accomplished through cameras. For example, elementary school crafting, drawing, …

[Metatheory] Final Project & Individual Reflection

Twine Game: Road to Heroism (Digital Citizenship Edition) A zipped file to download, edit and play: Road to Heroism-Digital citizenship edition.html A direct link to gameplay: https://r6k45r7p.play.borogove.io/  Co-Creators: Emily Olson, Leo Jiang and Yi Lu Instructor: Prof. Jen Jenson Individual Reflection “Learning from experienced designs and designers: How well (and seriously!) did your team follow, …


IP2: A slide presentation with speaker’s notes that describes/explains the textbook’s users and uses to peers. IP2 Tools of Intellect – Textbooks full References: Hirschman, D. (2013). The Sociology of the Door-Closer Redux. A Sociologit’s Commonplace Book. https://asociologist.com/2013/08/30/the-sociology-of-the-door-closer-redux/ Johnson, J. (1988). Mixing Humans and Nonhumans Together: The Sociology of the Door Closer. Social Problems. Latour, …

Project Retrospective – a new LMS: SLIM System

During the first Zoom discussion in this course, Dr. McCready mentioned his frustrations with Canvas, the Learning Management System (LMS) currently adopted by UBC, and our group members felt the same way. From our past experience of distance learning with the MET program, we all had to rely heavily on many other platforms to make …