The Tipping Point Case Study – Digital Books

According to Vannevar Bush’s ideas in 1945, if digital books are defined as storable, personal library collections, they were first introduced to the world as early as 1949, referred to as “ebooks”. With the evolutionary transformation of portable electronic devices over the last century, the development of digital books has also made considerable progress in …

IP5: COVID-19, Educational Technology and Global Health

COVID-19 has been going on around the world for nearly three years. With the continuous mutation of this virus and the repetition of COVID-19 prevention policies in all countries worldwide, people gradually began to develop the habit of keeping physical distance. As a result, although we have effectively reduced the infectious hazard posed by the …

IP8: Attention Economy vs. Attention Ecology

12-hour Record of My Attentional Activities     Since I am an analyst studying the education technology industry, I am wary of the attention economy tactics spread through the mass media and have taken precautions to avoid devoting my attention to unnecessary entertainment activities. However, throughout learning the attention ecology and recording my attentional activities, …

IP 2: Artificial Intelligence

1.Who were these people, and how did/does each contribute to the development of artificial intelligence? How did/does each think “intelligence” could be identified? (~50 words each) Alan Turing was a British mathematician and cryptographer. Turing made many contributions to the development of AI, including proposing a test method for determining whether a machine is intelligent, …

ETEC533: A Review

Explore constructivist TELEs for math and science As an investment analyst focusing on educational technology start-ups with math and business undergraduate backgrounds and a junior student in the MET program, I did find this course challenging from time to time. My surface knowledge regarding pedagogies and the lack of on-field teaching experiences limited my ability …

ETEC533 Week 9 Discussion: T-GEM

The fraction is a challenging topic in primary schools’ math classrooms. Some students have problems with procedural knowledge, and they experience hard times calculating with fractions. While procedural challenge could be overcome through practices, the conceptual misunderstanding is the real issue for students with a basic introduction to whole numbers. Some students confuse if fractions …

ETEC533 Week 6 Discussion: PCK & TPACK

I resonated with Shulman’s statement of how a knowledgeable teacher that knows general pedagogical strategies can not be a good teacher (1986). Think back to the content I learned in middle schools, and I merely recalled lectures and pure theories in science and math classrooms. Every single scientific theory I remember is directly related to …

ETEC533 Week 12 Discussion: Knowledge Diffusion

According to Bielaczyc and Collins (1999): “The defining quality of a learning community is that there is a culture of learning in which everyone is involved in a collective effort of understanding. There are four characteristics that such a culture must have: (1) diversity of expertise among its members who are valued for their contributions …

ETEC533 Inquiry e-folio Week 13: InfoVis Reflection

“Consider the cognitive affordances of the software examined. Speculate on how information visualization software (name the software) could be embedded in the design of authentic learning experiences and Suggest active roles for the teacher and the students, as well as a suitable topic. Endeavour to make connections with your future personal practice in this entry.” …