[Week 2 Discussion] Conceptual Challenges

I once had a similar explanation to Heather’s private universe back to middle school. After a brief introduction to astronomy, I incorrectly believed the earth moved around the sun in a spiral course, so the orbit looked like a copper coil. In that class, my teacher used a particular term ‘regression’ to describe the period …

[Week 2 Discussion] Unpacking Assumptions

I believe the good use of technology in learning math and science could be leveraged to solve math and science classrooms’ most challenging problem: learning engagement. For my undergrad, I studied math and business at the University of Waterloo. I’ve noticed there is a big difference between pure math classrooms and applied math (stats, finance, …

[Week 1 Discussion] Auto e-ography

My first impression regarding integrating technologies into mathematic by myself was in grade 5. When I try to recall that moment, I’m not sure if I was working on a tricky Olympiad math problem or another kind of math homework. I was at home alone, but I was eager to know if I had the …

A bit about myself

Where you live (town and country)? Hi everyone! My name is Yi. After eight years of learning in Canada, I currently live in my hometown Nanjing, an ancient and beautiful city that used to be the capital of 6 dynasties in China. I graduated from the University of Waterloo with a BMath in Applied Mathematics …

Task 12: Speculative Futures

PART I Today is the first day of Alex’s first job as a financial consultant at G&S Wealth Management. He is nervous. He is only 18 years old and graduated from the academy of finance 2 months ago. In the academy, Alex spent the first year learning all potential career paths in the finance industry, …

Task 11: Algorithms of Predictive Text

In what textual products have you read statements like the one you generated? In blogs? Academic articles? Magazines? Novels?  I read similar statements only in titles of news or on Instagram, so I used my Instagram as my microblog channel for this task. How are these generated statements different from how you would normally express …

Task 9: Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Quiz Data

“For this task, you will view the visualizations (3) posted in CLAS and reflect on the implications and outcomes of their generation. The visualizations show not only connections between the participants’ music choices, but also groups participants based on the strength of these choices, creating communities of “like-minded” individuals. But exactly how like-minded are you?” …

Task 8: Golden Record Curation Assignmen

I must admit the edit of the album is representative and inclusive of different cultures and nationalities on our beautiful planet, which makes the eliminations very difficult. In considering the purpose of this album, I want to deliver peaceful and joyful songs from people from all continents. At the same time, I would like to …