Drink Energy Drinks With Caution

After reading Linda’s blog ” Should We Set Regulation On The Use Of Energy Drink?” I got some deeper thinking about energy drink.


What is energy drink? An energy drink is a type of beverage containing stimulant drugs, chiefly caffeine, which is marketed as providing mental or physical stimulation.


First, how do energy drinks work? Energy drinks are supposed to do just what the name implies — give you an extra burst of energy. As it turns out, most of that “energy” comes from two main ingredients: sugar and caffeine. A typical energy drink can contain up to 80 milligrams of caffeine (about the same amount as a cup of coffee). Caffeine tolerance varies between individuals, but for most people a dose of over 200-300mg may produce some initial symptoms: restlessness, increase heartbeat, insomnia. Mixing energy drinks with alcohol may be even more problematic. Energy drinks can blunt the feeling of intoxication, which may lead to heavier drinking and alcohol-related injuries.


For the average healthy adult the main effects of energy drinks are to briefly boost energy and alertness. This extra boost may last one or two hours or more depending upon the size of thedrink, the amount of stimulants in the drink, and the tolerance of the person drinking it. Somedrinks have extremely high caffeine levels or other stimulant amounts that may make people highly energetic or very jittery depending on caffeine tolerance. People may feel “sped up” instead of more alert or awake, and many notice a withdrawal or come down period a few hours after drinking an energy drink.

Therefore, energy drinks are generally safe, but like most things, you should drink them in moderation. Besides, when you need a boost — whether to study for a test, prepare for a workout, or just get past an afternoon slump — there are healthier ways than energy drinks, the experts say. Among the energy-boosters they recommend are a healthy diet, physical activity, and a good night’s sleep.






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