Reflection on Assignment

At the end of term, I found learning marketing is such an interesting thing in my life. Marketing has influenced every aspect of our lives in even the simplest things we buy to satisfy our needs. It helps those who are undecided to choose the right products and services. It has become on of the bases on how a prospective customer evaluate before purchasing.

I learnt a lot in the teamwork. For the teamwork, It doesn’t mean everybody doing the same thing or everybody being able to do each other’s jobs. It’s more a means to a synergistic way of working, where the sum is greater than the parts. Properly managed, teamwork maximizes strengths, bringing out the best in each team member, a key theme on this site. These specific, possibly unique individual strengths are then complimented by the strengths of others, or of the team as a unit.

In our teamwork, we decided to research Best Buy company. All of my group members did great jobs. “two heads are better than one,”  – group meetings are very useful for us. In our group meetings, we allow those who have strengths in a particular area to take more responsibility for that area.

Last but not the least, I thanks all my group members. Good communication, better results.