If United Nations Was Fully Funded Why We Still Need Arc and Social Enterprises?


From my perspective, even if the United Nations was fully funded, we still need Arc or social enterprise.

United Nations is organized to promote the international co-operation and their main tasks are: preventing war, promoting human rights, providing a basis for international law and increasing the standard of living for all people. There is no doubt that United Nations have done a lot to pull back the poor from starvation and diseases, for instance, providing food and living space, as well as building up local school. However, the genuine phenomenon is that after so many years of efforts, numerous poverty areas still exists. Why? Because the United Nations can only help out the poor in a slow pace or eventually in a superficial way merely which can’t get rid of poverty from the root. This consequence is due to United Nations is more like a coordinator of the whole world. They have to put most of their effort to the world peace and the general trend of the whole society.


By contrast, the Arc and social enterprise are the organizations which completely dedicate themselves to the development of local economy. They aimed at achieving value rather than pursuing more margins. It is these Arc and social enterprises who reinvent the poor’s situation from the root.


In all, the United Nations are like a coordinator who need to take care of every aspects of the society, while Arc and social enterprises are more like the executive staff who execute the detailed tasks in local. And I believe this is the reason why we still need Arc and social enterprises even of the United Nations was fully funded.




Refer to: http://www.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_main_tasks_of_the_United_Nations



Cover pic: umip.com

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