Student Debt: Knowledge vs Poverty



People are motivated to go to college to escape from poverty, because they are firmly convinced that the knowlege can change one’s life. It is absolutely positive that a student pursue to change his life by trying to get into a collge.

However, according to “State by State Data”, seven over ten collge seniors who graduated last year had student loan debt in America, with an average of $29,400 per borrower. Namely, it is literally more than the car loans and the credit card loans. And the most cruicial thing is that, most students are not able to repay this loan in couple years, hence this student loan might follow the student for decades or eventually forever.

In some cases, collge becomes a profit school. There is a report says that some schools pays a half for the wages than it pays for the advertisements for school.

What’s more, the student debt is not cheap. According to statistics, the student debt is five to six times the cost of a community college, as much as twice a four year state university.

While UBC increases International Tuition by 10% and Residence Fees by 20%, some students stand out and ask for fairness. The increase of the tuition and residence fees doesn’t only add the burden to students’ family, but also do some sort of  harm to the future of the students who had the student debt.

What does student debt bring us: knowledge and a brilliant future or debts from the beginning to the end and poverty? Students should be aware that the complexities of this kind of financial aid: the balance between the ability of paying off and the current financial situation.



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