Netflix , Take a Step or Stay There



This is a blog response to Annice Huang’s blog.

Netflix, Inc used to known as an American provider of on-demand Internet streaming media available to viewers. However, there’s no doubt that with the development of such industry, some disadvantages come up.

All often we see that only being a provider of movies and TV shows left Netflix very vulnerable to competition, since the shows and movies it licensed could, theoretically, be licensed by anyone willing to outbid them. The scecond point is that some celebrated TV shows such as “Gossip Girls” and “Big Bang Thory” are already being sold by other companies. In this case, a crucial decision was made by Netflix: have their own TV shows.

According to empirical observation, the addition of their original TV shows will be a success. More and more viewers are willing to use NetFlix due to the high quality of the original TV shows.

Nevertheless, Netflix shows slow growth compared to its expectation, while HBO, the rival of Netflix, announced that it will launch an online streaming service in US next year. I’m wondering why netflix is still so self-assurance believing that there is enough room for both of the Netfilx and HBO to prosper.

The reason why netflix becomes the largest streaming provider is that it always pursue to amplify its service range. If the business doesn’t change with the environment, it will be the past. So whether Netflix takes a step forward or just stays there will affect the future development of itself hugely.

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