Twitter planning to diversify revenue streams with future television network partnerships before IPO

Twitter announced that before their initial public offering they have been hard at work towards forming potential partnerships with a variety of different television networks. They believe these partnerships will assist them in searching for new types of advertising revenue as well as appealing to future investors.

Though I may not be an avid Twitter user but however, I believe that they are currently headed towards the right direction. They stated that their initial goal for the IPO is to reach 1 billion US in stocks. Forming partnerships with television networks will doubtlessly help them reach their aspiration. Before considering these partnerships, Twitter has always been a place for people to discuss various topics, especially about current news or popular television shows. Some examples that comes to mind would be the Game of Thrones “Red Wedding” episode  and just last week, The Breaking Bad Finale was the most tweeted topic. Twitter offers a place for us to converse about things that interests us as well as an opportunity to share our own opinions to the world. Moreover, the collaborations with multiple television networks will allow people to discuss topics live by using specific program based hash tags. Many of the current commercials we have been watching have already implemented the hash tag feature. Ultimately, these partnerships will benefit both Twitter and television networks as they strengthen the accessibility of television content to an another level.

Twitter is exploring new partnerships with television networks in its search for new types of advertising revenue ahead of its initial public offering, expected in November.

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