The article talks about the significance of marketing and how to get the marketing message out. The most important point is making people realize they can have the greatest product or service, but if no one knows they are there, their business will fail.
I strongly agree with author’s opinion. Actually, from my perspective, it is the problem of value proposition and brand identity, which play a crucial important role in the business. First, increasing marketing can make people have a special impression on the product and generate a willing to try it which can increase the selling volume.
Secondly, it may be effective if marketing can be integrated into every facet of building and growing your business, such as newspapers, radio, fliers, word of mouth, networking and testimonials. However, in terms of small or growing companies who desire to be easily recognized and memorized, they would not have unstinted budget to support this kind of marketing. Despite the fact that marketing is the key to business success, production and operating are the basis of the business which is of vital importance.
Therefore, a contradiction exists. New and growing company have little budget to improve their value proposition and brand identity. On the other hand, the giant company uses a lot of money to do it and gains selling volume and the loyalty of consumers. This is an interesting issue.
Get Your Marketing Message Out or You’ll Fail. By Glenn Muske (Blog outside Sauder)