Possible Areas of Interest in the World of Digital Literacies

While there are many areas of interest for me as a future teacher-librarian, the two that are of most interest to me at this point in my journey towards are exploring ways to make the digital resources we have available to our students in my district more easy to use and accessible and to help develop specific, targeted literacy training to help students navigate their internet lives both in the context of their classes and in their regular lives.


The first area, the one involving helping to facilitate access to district resources (as a start, I imagine I will then incorporate other resources once I have develop a rough methodology), relates to the curriculum in a supportive role helping students to, “use Social Studies inquiry processes and skills to ask questions; gather, interpret, and analyze ideas, and data; and communicate findings and decisions” as mentioned in the Social Studies 10 curriculum (https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/social-studies/10/core).

Most senior courses that involve any research have similar curricular demands that are likely to involve the library. Currently, my district, the Vancouver School Board (VSB), has excellent on-line resources but accessing them without putting in a tremendous amount of time to sort through the various databases and their idiosyncrasies generally results in students heading to Google instead.

I would like to put time into exploring how to position them better, so that this wealth of resources can be better accessed so they are better equipped for research pieces.

The second area I am concerned with is what I have come to see as a major gap in my teaching as an English teacher. The traditional role of English teacher is still incredibly important but I do see a need for a unit or series of units designed to help develop specific literacies to help students navigate the on-line world.

Some of these would be in the area of determining validity of websites, how to explore a range of views to arrive at a true exploration of a topic and the like, but I also believe there is a very useful place for a kind of “Internet for Dummies” course of study could have strong potential to help students understand the nature of truth in this post-Trump world by exploring how we end up seeing what we do when we explore the internet (How websites climb the search lists; How the need to generate hit-related income affects the nature of the articles we are being fed; How is this all “free”).

Since most of our students do much (and likely most) of their reading in the on-line world, it seems essential to tackle this issue. It would likely be a series of age targeted mini sessions aimed at helping to inoculate students against the worst aspects of the way the internet is organized.


8 thoughts on “Possible Areas of Interest in the World of Digital Literacies

  1. darcy leigh mcnee

    This is a good first post. You have identified two strong areas for further reading and research. I appreciate the personally relevant and practical nature of the topics you are exploring. I feel you could create something that could be quite impactful for others in your district whether that be your colleagues or your students.

  2. Rick Lee

    I too would love to explore digital literacy more. There is a plethora of fantastic information out there waiting to be used, but how does one find it? Sometimes Googling just isn’t enough. Also, if you don’t know how to use it, then it also wouldn’t be enough.

  3. Saliha Patel

    Hi Guy,

    I also would like to explore further in teaching digital literacy to students, particularly helping them understand the influence that digital media plays on their lives, how to measure the validity of the information they find online, and thinking critically about what they read online. I have been exploring some websites and this one really stood out to me in terms of helping students being critical about what they see online. Of course, there is SO much information out there, but I thought this was a good starting point for me in my class.


    – Saliha

  4. Janet Smith

    Hi Guy – This is the only post I can see that will allow me to comment. I wonder if others can see the other comment boxes? We should get Darcy to check as it really could just be me 🙂

    1. guy demers Post author

      Hey Janet.

      I’m still a bit mystified and will play around a bit more to see why I am having this problem.

      Thanks for helping me try and figure it out.

    2. guy demers Post author

      I finally managed to find the right box to check, Janet. I had used a help site and it directed me to some entirely different part of the the editing program that looked like it should work and I completely missed a nice simple box I had to click. Sigh…


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