Green Marketing Blog

Marketing Ethics

December 2nd, 2010 · 2 Comments

There is a lot to Business Ethics once you think about it. But Marketing probably has just as much questions and issues about ethics as business in general. I would argue that it has even more ethics concerns.

For one, Marketing has much broader and deeper exposure and interaction with customers and public. Products are consumed by millions, ads are viewed and influence millions, surveys and questionnaires target millions as well. Its the size of exposure that makes it so big. While other professionals may interact with very limited amount of customers (how many clients does accountant interact with on yearly basis, probably much much less than how many people one even newspaper ad can reach). This is the driver for ethical considerations.

Another point, is that significant section of marketing is about products we consume and use. So not only it can influence our lifestyle and status but HEALTH as well. Its a big issue for me, and I would assume to a lot of people as well.

So, my conclusion is that there is more to ethics in marketing that we might think at first sight and business professionals should address this question more often and more directly.


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iPhone vs HTC desire

November 26th, 2010 · No Comments

Isnt amazing how progressive technology is those days?

However, sometimes I feel lost and unclear being bombarded with hundreds of different offerings and features.

A lot of the times now we use technology to define ourselves rather than for the functionality. How much does it actually matter whether you have an iPhone or HTC desire if both offer pretty much similar features. Brand is the key here. Being a Apple person some people just have to get an iPhone to stay consistent with their image (have to admit, Im one of them).

Some people just have to get HTC because it is closer to Windows or simply because it is not Apple.

At this point I just question if we can lose ourselves to brands and be defined by them rather than by our personalities. Soon enough I will purchase my clothes/food/ electronics not only because I need them but because the brand just released something new and I HAVE to get it to stay consistent with my image.

The ethics question comes in this question as well. but thats a different topic.


What got me thinking about this topic is Adhiya Kinshuk’s blog post on iPhone 4 vs Blackberry Touch 9800. The post is examines the two products in great detail, but when I apply it to myself I’m guessing its not the difference in battery life or screen quality (I think they are very similar) that will drive my decision but brand will have a role as well.

02.12.2010 Add-on

Just found a post from Panz Myles on HTC Desire. Once again, this post reinforced my idea that its all about the BRAND and personal preference 🙂

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Coca Cola Straw Billboard Ad

November 21st, 2010 · No Comments

Outdoor ads are the best spot for creative use of space and angles. Coca Cola’s billboard ads released in September 2010 are great examples of such technique. (by the way the ads were created by a Canadian agency MacLaren McCann, Toronto, Canada for those of you exploring Canadian advertising market)

Simona-Iozefina Oprea wrote beautiful review of those ads with some great comments. You can read more about it on her blog (linked to her name).

On the other hand I would like to comment on something they (Coca Cola) have missed. When I found about this campaign, I saw this picture first :

My first thoughts were that Coca Cola did great job creating an ad campaign with other companies (Milot New York  and Parinne Optical) . I thought it was a great example of collaborative marketing action. Imagine my surprise when after googling those names nothing came up 🙁

I’m guessing either Coca Cola didn’t want to get associated with any particular brand at this moment or couldn’t find a brand willing to be associated with them. In any case, I think it would’ve been more fun if some other big brads were part of this campaign too.

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Marketing to decrease demand

November 16th, 2010 · No Comments

I find it always hard to decide what to write about. Not that there are not enough fascinating and innovative marketing approaches around us, its the linking of them to the class material that troubles me. Not that class material is not relevant but it makes me wonder if I would’ve noticed those techniques without covering the class material (in a way how has marketing effort of our class has influenced me. we are, after all being marketed about marketing 🙂 ).

I just happened to come across a perfect example of the Marketing effort to decrease demand (which we were discussing today in class with some confusion on why would someone market to decrease demand). Here are the posters from a campaign of the Art of Directors Club in Ukraine:

Some background information about the club, to clarify: they have a contest on best advertising.

I think that through this campaign the club aims to reduce the number of applicants (to make the evaluation process easier for themselves). It also communicates the club’s target image – a well-established marketing club, with high status and quality of works. They want the best ideas and through this campaign will discourage poor performers and ensure only high quality submissions and enhanced efficiency of evaluation process. THUS: marketing to decrease demand! YAY!

BTW don’t those “Mothers” remind you the women in Reitmans ads? Same “fire” in the eyes ))

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Smart video

November 6th, 2010 · No Comments

As you probably have noticed, most of my posts are about charity/ donations/ green effort, etc… Its about time I clarify why. I simply think that this area requires very special type of marketing because in effect those products/services offer very little value for most people. So, marketing in those ads or campaigns is very different and often more creative.

Now, on to my post.

Check out this video:

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Try clicking on the red button at different times. You will be directed to different videos depending on how dirty the water is when you click.

This is quite interesting idea. In a way it segments the users depending on what their level of tolerance is for dirtiness and then displays separate message to appeal to particular type of users. I must say it is smart and interesting!

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Lets donate!

November 1st, 2010 · No Comments

Charity is really hard to market. Marketing is about offering value to people, while charity has little tangible value and it makes it so much harder to communicate to public that charity does have value to them.

Here are some methods to encourage people to donate that come easily to mind:

* offer free gifts/candy/ rewards (works to some level but then the organizers could’ve used the money spent on purchasing the gifts on charity itself),

* provide visuals to communicate where the donations will go for ( people often lack confidence on whether the donations will be used properly)

* organize auctions and other events

The list can be quite long. But, I find the biggest challenge is to communicate where the donations will go to and how they will be used.

Here is a great solution: [ NGO Chetana Foundation: Cloth Donation by Mudra DDB Group, Mumbai, India]

I think this approach will be particularly effective. The figures look very real and when people donate, they will feel like they are donating directly to the person in need.

Great idea!

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Don’t Drive Sleepy

October 26th, 2010 · No Comments

We are quite used to seeing MADD (mothers against drunk driving) and other ads urging us to take responsibility and take a cab or a non-drinking friend when going out for drinks. How about driving sleepy?

I think this is as dangerous as drunk driving. We need to pay more attention to sleepy drivers, especially now, when people are constantly short in time and cutting on sleep seems like the best solution.

Check out those print ads, which were published in Thailand:

I really like the tattoo idea, simple but straightforward – “this will leave a permanent mark on your life”.
How many students drive sleepy during exams period? I think UBC should also address this issue and have a campaign about it.

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The M sandwitch~~~~mmmmmm

October 15th, 2010 · No Comments

McDonalds is clearly starting to change, or at least expand its target market.

I remember reading somewhere how economy reflected the babyboomer stages of life. As they were toddlers the baby industry was roaming. Then as they entered school – industry relocated itself towards those needs. Now as they enter the older age there is more emphasis on comfort for elderly, more pension plans, and vacation packages for older generation.

Recently we were looking at how McDonalds changed the look of its fastfood restaurants. More wood, three areas for different segments of market, new colors, etc. I think they are going even further now with this new advertisement:

McDonalds M Sandwitch

Now, what does this ad say to you? If you have McDonald’s M sandwich you are EXPERT in so many areas. Its no junkfood! Its EXPERT food.

I think they are trying to appeal to educated, status segment that “eats what it is” not just grabs whatever is closes to their office.

Where was I heading with the Babyboomers example? I think McDonalds is also following this pattern – it follows its market as it enters new stages in life. The young funloving, color loving teenagers perhaps are graduating from college and want to see themselves as “professionals” and “experts”. So, McDonalds will give that status to them.

Now, I also noticed that this ad is from Europe, so it is likely that this marketing strategy is aimed towards European segment (geographic element). McDonalds in Europe is quite different from North American one. European McDonalds has McCafe, which serves sandwiches and pastry along with coffee, lattes, mochas, and tea.

Nevertheless, I think McDonalds is doing quite a bit to change its image and expand its appeal to greater variety of users.

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Snowboarding in Switzerland

October 10th, 2010 · No Comments

How cools is snowboarding?

Its an absolute MUST, especially if you live in Vancouver. However, we don’t see a lot of snowboarding ad campaigns here. The ones we do have, though, seem to be very typical and in…um…boring.

My lead of thought is : Snowboarding is experience -> snowboarders love the experience -> to attract new snowboarders ads need to provide some experience to the potential snowboarders!

Well, Laax Snowboarding School (Switzerland) shares my vision. Their ad campaign for Salto Beginners provides amazing salto experience!

(if it were me, I’d spend hours riding that elevator…it looks so much fun! )

This campaign is very different and catchy. While Europe has a lot of those “sliding poster stands” on the streets, in the railway stations,and  in airports. This is a new concept.  Not only it advertises snowboarding, but it says that Laax is fun and creative snowboarding school! I had to read more on them once I saw this video and I’m sure the elevator riders felt the same way after experiencing this ride.

Would you not want to ride this elevator? (and secretly film yourself and post it later on facebook? )

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Think BLUE!

October 1st, 2010 · No Comments

How “Blue” are you?

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I love this ad, absolutely wonderful!

First time watching it I felt like watching a fairy-tale with all the soft and magic music and cartoons. However, somewhere in the middle I started to realize how precisely this ad tells the story about our modern busy lifestyle. How many things are on my mind at the same time? (yet, environment has lower priority than fixing a car, getting lunch, finishing work…etc). In under 3 minutes, this ad gave me at least 10 simple ideas on how I can make my contribution to sustainability of our environment. Brilliant!

By the way, this ad reminds me of the movie “What Women Want”. The ad created for Nike in the movie was very similar: no words, just music and plot that a viewer can easily associate with himself or herself. This is a very powerful tool to relate to customers. This is no ad about some fiction character, this ad is about ME!

Another moment: this ad fist perfectly into this week’s topic in our class – Consumer behavior, with all the thought bubbles and how they change every moment. Thought it was cool.


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