Green Marketing Blog

Think BLUE!

October 1st, 2010 · No Comments

How “Blue” are you?

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I love this ad, absolutely wonderful!

First time watching it I felt like watching a fairy-tale with all the soft and magic music and cartoons. However, somewhere in the middle I started to realize how precisely this ad tells the story about our modern busy lifestyle. How many things are on my mind at the same time? (yet, environment has lower priority than fixing a car, getting lunch, finishing work…etc). In under 3 minutes, this ad gave me at least 10 simple ideas on how I can make my contribution to sustainability of our environment. Brilliant!

By the way, this ad reminds me of the movie “What Women Want”. The ad created for Nike in the movie was very similar: no words, just music and plot that a viewer can easily associate with himself or herself. This is a very powerful tool to relate to customers. This is no ad about some fiction character, this ad is about ME!

Another moment: this ad fist perfectly into this week’s topic in our class – Consumer behavior, with all the thought bubbles and how they change every moment. Thought it was cool.


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