Grains and Goodies.

In today’s workshop, we worked with the kids from Grade 3-4 to learn about grains.



Somethings that we went over:

  • Whole wheat contains the unrefined portions – germ and bran, which include the most important nutrients.
  • Bran is the protective outer shell, high in fiber and b vitamins. Germ is the seed for the new plant, contains b vitamins, some protein, minerals and healthy oils. Endosperm contains starch, protein and some vitamins and minerals.
  • Whole Grain means that the grain contains all 3 parts
  • When a grain is refined, the most important parts of the grain are removed, leaving the endosperm.

We brought in uncooked barley, buckwheat, and rice, and asked if they could identify it from a list of grains. Afterwards, we made a grain salad with cooked buckwheat, barley, greens, pomegranate seeds, pears, walnuts, blue cheese, and cherry balsamic vinaigrette. Most of the kids were not a huge fan of the blue cheese but they were brave and tried it despite the smell.

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Until next time!


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