What I have learned about myself in class (Comm299)

Honestly I didn’t get the purpose of Comm299. I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to spend time actually doing stuff for this half credit course. When I saw the assessment summary and saw “Resume & Cover letter” and “Interview” I knew that it was going to take lots of time and effort. I just hated it and complained to almost everybody from family to friends. I didn’t even get why I had to do an interview for a job that I didn’t even want and I will eventually not even get.

So did I just not care about Comm299? No… Although I said all that, I’m not a kind of a person who says “whatever”. I actually spent quite a lot of time and effort on my resume and cover letter and by the time I was finished I was getting into it. I actually wanted my interview to go well regardless of the mark I will get. Unfortunately, interviews were done on the week of midterms and I had an econ midterm coming up so I had to focus on studying econ. Unlike the time and effort I put in to my resume and cover letter, I couldn’t prepare for my interview. But since I still had in mind that I wanted my interview to go well regardless of the mark I will get, I got very nervous right before the interview. Result? 18/20.

Honestly, I never knew that I was capable to make an interview go well! Because…

  1. My first language is not English.
  2. Never been interviewed by someone.
  3. Not prepared.
  4. Got Very nervous.
  5. Did not favour this assignment in the first place.

I have learned that I can become passionate towards something I hated. If not passion what could it be that made it such a successful interview?

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