Corporate Social Responsibility and Mining in Mongolia

Alexandre Bastien // March 25th 2014

The number of donation by the mining companies in Mongolia is an amazing issue. The Boroo Gold LLC is the second biggest donor despite the fact that this foreign own company remains a marginal player in the Mongolian context. This is indeed an inspiring example of the commitment of a foreign company to share the benefits of its mining exploitation with the local population. This kind of behavior should be emulated by order companies since it creates a good basis to convince the population that the mining industry could improve their life.

This company has developed over the year a vast CSR program. The different component of this commitment to local communities include participation in the EITI, an environmental management system to deal with the negative externalities produced by their activities, a health and safety code to prevent an tragic event and a community development plan. This latter part of the CSR tries to maximize the benefits for communities by hiring locally, financing schools and other type of public goods. If you want more information on their social involvement in Mongolia or in Kyrgyzstan you can visit their website at

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