


Established in the year of 2000, the Caribbean African Association (CAA) became known for its jovial and entertaining spirit, hosting numerous gatherings which aimed to bring Caribbean and African students together in celebration. 


  1. Celebration: Celebration of the diversity, complexity and uniqueness of Caribbean and African culture and connections. Further, celebration of the Caribbean and African’s place in the global community and its capacity to offer strengthened understanding of global relations.
  1. Education: Raising awareness about Caribbean and African culture, history, global relations, and identity, for the enlightenment of the UBC community.
  1. Support network and community: Supportive home base and safe space for those in the UBC community who have interests in or ties to Caribbean and African based culture and issues.
  1. Fundraising: To garner enough funds to contribute to an adopted Caribbean and/or African- focused charity annually

One Comment

  1. HI It’s Prof. Henry here. I apologize if this is a duplicate. I lost my list of which Black organizations I’ve contacted. Would you be so kinds as to help me distribute a black (anonymous )undergraduate survey
    asking questions about your experiences as students, and particularly at UBC? Ideally, I want to distribute it today and give students a couple of weeks to fill it in. Its a 30 minute survey (max) and there are prizes for completing.

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