Studio & Events Analysis

This class requires you to engage in studio visits with your fellow peers in the class, as well as visit at least three art events within the Vancouver, UBC and/or Greater Vancouver art community.  At least one of these visits should be at an institution or event that a peer in the class is involved with, and none of the events can be ones that you are contributing for your own partnership.  This component of the class consists of three parts.

Part 1

External Events – You must attend at least 2 events of various forms, such as an exhibition opening, a screening, an art fair, an artist or art historian or curator talk or tour, a UBC visiting artist/cultural thinker talk, or you may set up a visit with an artist that you are interested in, or is participating in programming at your partnership institution or that you are curious about.  This must go beyond the artist/institution you are working with, and at least one event should be with a peer’s institution/artist from the class. Try and go to very different types of events and spaces for your two events, it can help broaden how you approach, internalize and what you learn from these visits.

Part 2

In class we will be speaking about the role of the studio in artistic practice, and will be participating in peer studio visits with each other, as the artist/maker and as the visitor.  This will happen in class on November 6th.

Part 3

At the end of the course, you will contextualize the experiences of your in class studio visits and art events in an analysis of a maximum of 1000 words.  While the analysis might choose to detail certain elements because they were more influential, try and cover as many of the questions found in the Connect journal as possible. Please submit in the appropriate Connect journal in the text box, or as a word or pdf document, please note the “journal” space as it is completely confidential.  I do provide guiding questions but you can focus on a revelation of the experiences that might focus on only a few of of the questions.  Please answer holistically, in a narrative, towards creating your own story of where you feel you fit in this whole crazy art thing.

Due:  November 27th, through Connect journals, 9am before class starts.

Please note:  For those attending the BAF workshop as one of your events, then you may have an extension to December 1st 11:59pm  through Connect journals