Update: MBA Experiential Course Requirement

In consultation with your Track Champions, we have updated the Experiential Course requirements to reflect an updated assignment at the end of your summer experience period.  Students will now need to submit a Final Report (10-15 pages) to their faculty supervisors by September 12, 2014 instead of conducting a presentation to faculty.

Below are updated documents to reflect this change.  If you have submitted your internship paperwork to the BCC, you do NOT need to re-submit your paperwork again (just take note of this new requirement and deadline).  MBA students will need to touch base with their faculty supervisor to determine the format and vision for this final report as it will count towards your final grade.

A friendly reminder for those of you who have secured an internship, entrepreneurial or industry project – please submit your completed documents (MBA Internship/ Project agreements & Confidentiality forms) to Carly Boettcher, Graduate Careers Assistant by Friday, June 13, 2014.

Updated Documents:

Experiential Learning Course Outline 2014_v2

2014 MBA Internship Agreement Form

2014 MBA Entrepreneurial Project Agreement Form

Confidentiality Agreement

Any further questions/ concerns please contact your Career Manager at the BCC!