Re: Let Them Eat Cake
Are maximizing profits unethical?
UBC blogger, Chris Wong, begs to explain that it is not the amount of money made, but how it is obtained. Wong shows that schools are continually exploited by marketers, targeting young and oblivious minds to maximize profits. The amount of junk food in schools are continually increasing, while the absence of regulations endures. Not only do vending machine and food companies make money, but the schools themselves become richer at the expense of the students they are meant to protect and educate.
Children are blank-slates, sponging up whatever comes into their sight – and marketers know it. Although this is a common marketing tactic, that does not justify this method as an ethical practice. Some may argue that social responsibility cannot be achieved because according to Milton Friedman, “only people have responsibilities” – businesses have artificial responsibilities.
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Blog Title: “Let Them Eat Cake“, September 7, 2011