Reaction to “Could a lack of ethics lead to the premature end of natural resources ?”



This post done by Andrew Grange was particularly interesting to me since it based on events that are taking place in my province. As he had mentioned in the article, I am among many British Columbians who are unaware of what is taking place. British Columbians known for its vast natural resources, and to be giving them away for no cost is almost baffling. I believe that the provincial government should act on this issue, because the province as a whole could be benefiting if Nestle is charged for the resources they use.   Other companies such as, BC hydro, should also be behind the movement of placing a fee on the valuable resources to create a fair system for all companies who would potentially use these resources.There should be a better allocation of the resources, which should be decided by the government. I agree with Andrew’s point of it being an ethical issue for all British Columbians. Although this loophole provides a profit boosting situation for Nestle, they should not be able to attain a resource like water at zero cost based on a law that was created in a pre-captalistic society. It is time for the laws to be updated to better suit current markets.



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