Want to get involved at UBC? Are you interested in becoming an Equity Ambassador in 2012-13? Learn how at the CSI’s 2nd Birthday and Involvement Fair! Stop by the Centre for Student Involvement on January 25th between 12 and 3 pm to learn about campus resources, meet student leaders and get involved!
There will be live entertainment provided by the Blank Vinyl Project, as well as light snacks and birthday cake! There will also be resource booths with information about exactly how and when to get involved in some amazing opportunities, as well as the stories of some of UBC’s brightest student leaders! The CSI is all about finding your passion and niche at UBC – whether it’s the tools to be an Imagine MUG leader or a UBC REC volunteer, the CSI Involvement Fair will have the resources to connect you to your involvement path.
Come for the free birthday cake, leave with the inspiration to be involved in the next big thing!
For more information on the Centre for Student Involvement, check out:http://involvement.ubc.ca/