Cerebral Palsy Association of BC – 2013 Fall Bursaries

The Cerebral Palsy Association of BC proudly offers 10 bursaries of $1,000.00 each, to any eligible student 17 years and older with CP, that is currently enrolled in an institution of higher learning, and is planning to continue their studies the following term.

Please note that even if a student has been awarded monies through this fund before, they are still eligible to apply. Applications must be postmarked no later than July 15, 2013.


Please contact Deirdre at 604-408-9484 or toll free at 1-800-663-0004 if you have any questions.

International Women’s Day at UBC!

Post by Elaine Lin

This year on March 8 in Irving K. Barber, the UBC Equity Ambassadors put together another International Women’s (IWD) Day event once again to raise awareness of this important day and to celebrate women. We focused our event this year on positive body image to celebrate real and natural beauties, regardless of shape, size, gender, ethnicity, race, sexuality, age, class, ability, economic background, or religious belief. We have seen, time and time again, mainstream media featuring bodies, particularly women’s bodies, that have been severely Photoshopped and embellished upon.

We have seen the ways in which bodies, especially women’s bodies, have been sexually objectified in mainstream media. We hoped that by organizing this IWD event, we can encourage people to love themselves and their bodies and to deconstruct the media’s image of women as sexual objects. We also hoped to empower women and people in general, so that they can be confident of who they are instead of judging themselves according to societal expectations.

Our event booth featured:

  • A fun IWD-themed photo booth for taking cool and memorable photos
  • Inspirational take-away bookmarks with quotes
  • Real-life stories of women
  • A recycle box to throw away insecurities and things people dislike about their bodies or themselves in general
  • Free treats

The takeaway bookmarks with body positive quotes were empowering and meaningful. The display board with colourful photos depicting diverse forms of women raised awareness and started conversations. Further, the photobooth questions and quotes got people thinking and engaged with the event theme. Having our friends who were willing to write their own personal stories and posting their photos was inspiring for people to see. It made the whole idea of feminism and gender equality seem more relatable. Lastly, we raised awareness amongst males as well.

One of the popular bookmark quotes featured:

“Call me smart; call me sassy; call me bold; call me strong. Don’t call me hot; don’t call me sexy; don’tcall me baby. Call me by what I am, don’t call me by the narrow expectations that society has placed upon me.” – Selena Zhong

We hope that another IWD event will be hosted by Equity Ambassadors and other organizations and clubs on campus in the years to come.

For photos and more info of the IWD event, check out our Facebook event page. Be sure to “like” our  International Women’s Day @ UBC Facebook page to stay up to date about IWD- and feminism-related info.

Rick Hansen “Man in Motion” Fellowship

The Rick Hansen “Man in Motion” Fellowships are made available by the University of British Columbia to honour the incredible determination and many personal achievements of Rick Hansen.  Two fellowships, valued at $16,000 per year, are awarded each year to UBC graduate students with a physical disability.


Annual Value: $16,000

Deadline: Mid-April 2013 – check with graduate program


Please consult the Graduate Awards website for further information and application procedures: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/awards/rick-hansen-man-motion-fellowship


The contact at the Faculty of Graduate Studies for this award is Angela Rizzo: angela.rizzo@ubc.ca

Get involved on International Women’s Day

This Friday, March 8, is International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate women’s achievements, as well as highlight the needs and concerns of women at national, regional and global agendas. This year the Equity Ambassadors are celebrating women of all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, sexualities, ages, classes, abilities and religious beliefs with a fun photo booth event.

They’re our bodies – why are we taught to critisize them?
Friday March 8, 10am-3pm
Irving K. Barber Learning (2nd floor)

Can’t make it on the day? Why not show your support for the principles of feminism by wearing an F’ word button, available from the Access & Diversity  office.

For more information, see the UBC Equity Advisors.


Do you want to help make UBC more welcoming and inclusive?

Applications are now open for Equity Ambassadors!

Equity Ambassadors are a diverse group of students that work towards creating an inclusive learning and working environment on campus.

As an Equity Ambassador, you will take part in promoting positive social change among UBC staff, students and faculty, and undertake activities to raise awareness around diversity and discrimination on campus. Continue reading

Call For Proposals – Intercultural U 2013

The Intercultural U 2013 Organizing Committee is inviting proposals for presentations related to intercultural understanding.

Intercultural U is an exciting, two-part event developed with the support of the UBC Equity Office, Access and Diversity, the Liu Institute for Global Issues, and the Faculty of Graduate Studies. It will offer concurrent panel presentations in the afternoon Colloquium and fast-paced presentations in the PechaKucha format in the evening. In between the two events, we will have an opportunity to talk with each other and share dinner (dinner is provided.) We welcome submissions of academic work, community involvement or personal experiences on topics related to intercultural understanding.

Date of event: Friday, March 22, 2013 (Colloquium 1:00-5:00pm, Dinner provided 5:15-6:15pm, PechaKucha 6:15pm-8:30pm)

Place: Liu Institute for Global Issues, UBC Campus (Point Grey)

Deadline for proposals: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 by noon

Proposals are now being accepted for both the academic colloquium presentations and the PechaKucha presentations. For more information and to submit a proposal, please visit the Call for Proposals page. If you have any questions or would prefer this Call for Proposals in Word format, please contact Anne-Marie Long at am.long@ubc.ca or 604-822-4859.