

List of Work

  • Writing
    • Peer-reviewed

Quinton J*, Nesbitt L, Czekajlo A. 2022. Wealthy, educated, and… non-millennial? Variable patterns of distributional inequity in 31 Canadian cities. Landscape and Urban Planning,
227, 104535.

DeLancey ER, Czekajlo A, Boychuk L, Gregory F, Amani M, Brisco B, Kariyeva J, Hird JN*. 2022. Creating a Detailed Wetland Inventory with Sentinel-2 Time-Series Data and Google Earth Engine in the Prairie Pothole Region of Canada. Remote Sensing, 14(14), 3401.

Jarvis I, Sbihi H, Davis Z, Brauer M, Czekajlo A, Davies HW, Gergel SE, Guhn M, Jerrett M, Koehoorn M, Nesbitt L, Oberlander TF, Su J, van den Bosch M*. 2022. The influence of early-life residential exposure to different vegetation types and paved surfaces on early childhood development: A population-based birth cohort study. Environment International, 163, 107196.

Yuchi W, Brauer M, Czekajlo A, Davies HW, Davis Z, Guhn M, Jarvis I, Jerrett M, Nesbitt L, Oberlander TF, Sbihi H, Su J, van den Bosch M*. Neighborhood environmental exposures and incidence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A population-based cohort study. 2022. Environment International, 161, 107120.

Czekajlo A*, Coops NC, Goodbody, T. Untangling the effect of urban vegetation type and structure on spectrally unmixed greenness. 2021. Remote Sensing Letters, 12(12), 1216-1226.

Jarvis I, Davis Z, Sbihi H, Brauer M, Czekajlo A, Davies HW, Gergel SE, Guhn M, Jerrett M, Koehoorn M, Oberlander TF, Su J, van den Bosch M*. 2021. Assessing the association between lifetime exposure to greenspace and early childhood development and the mediation effects of air pollution and noise in Canada: a population-based birth cohort study. The Lancet Planetary Health, 5(10), e709-e717.

Czekajlo A*, Coops NC, Wulder M, Hermosilla T, White JC, van den Bosch M. Mapping dynamic peri-urban land use transitions across Canada using Landsat time series: Spatial and temporal trends and associations with socio-demographic factors. 2021. Comput Environ Urban Syst, 88, 101653.

Czekajlo A*, Coops NC, Wulder M, Hermosilla T, Lu Y, White JC, van den Bosch M. The urban greenness score: A satellite-based metric for multi-decadal characterization of urban land dynamics. 2020. Intl J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation, 93, 102210.

    • Other

Czekajlo, A.* Measuring changes in urban greenness across Canada. 2021. Branchlines, Winter 2020. Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia. Available at

Czekajlo, A.* Characterizing multi-decadal vegetative greenness and land use dynamics across Canadian urban areas using satellite remote sensing (Thesis). 2020. University of British Columbia. Available at

Czekajlo A*. Vancouver green bus atlas. 2019. Vancouver, BC, Canada.


  • Speaking
    • Conferences

Czekajlo A*, Cheng Z, Barron, S, Girling C, Nesbitt L, Sheppard S. Urban greening versus urban densification: Modelling four urban forest scenarios for 2050. In Paper Session – Science I. 2022. Urban Forests, Forest Urbanisms & Global Warming: Developing Greener, Cooler and more Resilient Cities conference (Leuven, Belgium).

Czekajlo A*, Coops NC, Wulder M, Hermosilla T, Lu Y, White JC, van den Bosch M. Characterizing multi-decadal land dynamics using a satellite-based urban greenness score. In Symposium of Novel Advances in Exposure Assessment for Green Space-Health Research.  2021. International Society of Exposure Science 2021 Annual Meeting (Online)

DeLancey ER*, Gregory F, Czekajlo A. Cloud Computing & Machine Learning Approaches for Three Major Ecoregions. 2021. It’s Our Nature to Know Webinar Series, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (Online). Available at

Czekajlo A*, Coops NC, Wulder M, Hermosilla T, Lu Y, White JC, van den Bosch M. Characterizing multi-decadal land dynamics of the Vancouver urban area using novel urban greenness score. 2020. 41st Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing (Online)

    • Webinars / Lectures

Czekajlo A*. Vancouver green bus atlas. 2019. GIS Day, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Czekajlo A*. Green Living: Characterizing change in Canadian urban green spaces since 1984. 2019. Three Minute Thesis (3MT), University of British Columbia. Available at


  • Other
    • Data

Czekajlo A*, Coops NC, Wulder M, Hermosilla T, Lu Y, White JC, van den Bosch M. Canada urban greenness score (Dataset). 2020. National Forest Information System. Available at

    • Applications

Czekajlo A*. Observing and Predicting Change in the Anthropocene (ESRI StoryMap). 2019. Available at


* Denotes corresponding author or lead presenter