Upcoming Meeting

Welcome to the new cohort! Hope everyone is easing into the Winter term well.

The first ALA Student Chapter meeting of the term will be held this Wednesday, September 19 at 11 a.m. in the Trail Room (just off the SLAIS Lounge). We hope to plan some events for the quickly-approaching Banned Books Week, discuss vacant executive positions, and more. Please come and share your ideas!

If you have any questions, send them over. Hope to see you there!

Meeting Minutes | 20 March 2012

1. Meeting called to order

2. Approval of meeting minutes

  • February 29 meeting minutes are approved.

 3. Marathon Reading event update

  • The event went well!  The club raised about $150 for the Carnegie Center, enough to bring in a visiting writer.
  • Raffle winners were Emily from Creative Writing, Nadia from SLAIS, Jay from Creative Writing, and Sarah from SLAIS.
  • The event in IKBLC included 10 hours of readings by 40 separate people. The event at Carnegie was a good deal smaller, but was valuable for building a relationship for future events.  In order to continue to build relationships with the community, ALA@UBC should keep an eye on events happening at VPL and participate where possible.
  • For next year, it would be good to create more energy around the event. Ideas include:
    • Adult beverages
    • A different set up / location (having the event next to the Learning Commons made things too quiet and “chill”).
    • Having the event in spring next year establishes a consistent event and allows the club to make additional connections with other groups on campus (i.e., Theatre Department).  Next year’s event could include plays, audience participation, spoken word performance, music, etc.
    • Next year’s event should also build in some time for banter / getting to know the reader / root for the reader / an explanation of the text.

4. ALA@UBC t-shirt order

  • The t-shirts will be ordered by March 22 and shipped to Emily Booth in Bellingham, WA.  Shipping should take two weeks, and t-shirts will be distributed in SLAIS once they arrive.  Members will have to pay for their t-shirt before receiving it.
  • Chelsea will send out t-shirt order link to members and Eric once more before final order is placed.
  • Club will absorb the cost of giving Eric a free t-shirt as faculty advisor.

5. Bake Sale on March 21

  • The “pay what you wish” bake sale will be Wednesday, March 21, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Come and hang out!
  • Sign up to participate and let’s us know what you will be bringing on the Google Doc.
  • If your food includes common allergens, bring a sign.
  • Vegan treats are always appreciated.

6. ALA Annual Conference

  • Sarah Fallik, who won the ALA Student-to-Staff essay contest, will blog about her experience at the ALA annual conference either at the ALA@UBC blog or at one of the ALA’s blogs.
  • ALA’s president, Molly Raphael, recently spoke at the University of Washington, and the talk will be available online.  Mary J. will send out the information about how to access the talk.
  • The new president of the ALA student chapter at the University of Washington is Gina Kessler Lee.  Mary and Elspeth will continue the conversation with her about possibly fieldtrips.

7. Planning for fall events over the summer?

  • Plans for next year include:
    • Book swap and bake sale (end of first term)
    • Marathon reading (spring term)
    • Club members should look at the ALA site to get ideas for events to do in the fall (i.e., Banned Book Week). It would be good to start off the next term with a bang to impress the new cohort.
    • Send ideas to Mary and Elspeth via email.
    • The club should also be sure to have a presence during orientation.
  • Mary will be stepping down as president in the fall, so that is a position that will be available.

8. Meeting adjourned


Meeting Minutes | 29 February 2012

1. Meeting called to order

2. Approval of meeting minutes

  • February 7 meeting minutes are approved.

3. ALA@UBC T-Shirt Order

  • The ALA@UBC t-shirt design has been selected (scripty letter design, green logo on a black shirt) and an order poll will be sent from Customink.com so that members can specify their preferred sizes.
  • Sam Mills mentioned that classmate Emily Booth commutes from Bellingham, WA, and may be able to receive the shipment. She will check with Emily abut this.
  • The order link will be sent to Alyssa Feir, who won the ALA@UBC design contest, so that we can provide her with a free t-shirt.

4. Old Business

  • Cherry Blossom / Haiku Event Update: Brigid Winter attended the first day of the Cherry Blossom / Haiku Event on February 28. Only one Japanese student attended, but five SLAIS students were there. They learned about haikus and will crown a haiku champion at the second day of the event next week.
  • Marathon Reading:
    • Everyone who has signed up for a reading slot should consider signing up twice at this point to fill remaining slots.
    • RSVP to the Facebook event and send the link to friends.
    • Elspeth will take charge of the bake sale and will have people commit to bring stuff.  People can bring savoury as well as sweet things.
    • ALA@UBC treasurer Jen approved spending $60 on gift cards. $30 will be spent for the Wednesday event at IKBLC (two $10 UBC Bookstore gift cards and one $10 Blue Chip gift card).  $30 will be spent on the Friday event at the Carnegie Center (six $5 London Drug gift cards).
    • Please make sure to hang up flyers!
    • Carrie will be at the Lillooet Room at 8 a.m. on Wednesday to set up, which hopefully will be easy. She will also type up instructions for readers / monitors. She will be in touch with Clare at IKBLC about set up and signage.
    • It is suggested that a clock is needed so that readers can keep track of time.  Judith or Caroline volunteer to bring a small alarm clock for the event.
    • It is suggested that it would be a good idea to have a water dispenser there for readers. Elspeth will check about borrowing one from SLAIS or LASSA.
    • Bring extra books in case people just drop in and want to read.

5. New Business

  • End of semester bake sale to benefit ALA
    • Last bake sale in the fall was very successful.
    • Proposed date for the bake sale: Wednesday, March 21, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
    • Possible theme: St. Patrick’s Day, literary theme, Easter egg decorating (construction paper, plastic eggs)
    • Bring an ingredient list when you have baked something so that people know what is in the baked goods. Consider making vegan and gluten free items.
    • A Google doc will be created so that people can sign up for baking.

6. Next Meeting

  • The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 20, at 1 p.m. in the Trail Room at SLAIS.

7. Meeting adjourned