November 5th Meeting Minutes

November 5th Meeting Minutes


Anna Ferri, Eka Gguric, Matthew Murray, Carolyn Heine, Kaylin Anderson, Mitchell Meler, Matthew Root, Hedda Monaghan

Next Meeting: January 14 @ 1:00pm, Trail Room

  1. New Treasurer

  • Treasurer’s main duty is to be the point of contact with LASSA treasurer, Jordan
  • Hedda volunteered to perform Treasurer duties
    • Motion to have Hedda be our new treasurer passes with a unanimous vote in favor
    • Hedda will take over Jason’s duties beginning in January
  1. T-Shirts

  • T-shirts have arrived
  • As Anna is able to track everyone down with ease, we will not be needing to set up a table for members to collect their shirts
  • If enough people outside ALA@UBC (at least 15 people) want a t-shirt, we will submit another order in the spring
  1. White Elephant Book Exchange

  • Wednesday, November 27th, 11:30-1:30
  • Bake Sale
    • Anna, Carolyn and Kaylin are available to run the bake sale
    • Anna, Carolyn, Matthew Root, and Hedda are willing to provide baked goods
    • Bake sale money will be donated (TBD)
  • Book Exchange
    • A poster will be created explaining how the exchange works
    • Extra books will be donated (TBD)
      • Last year, books were donated to SIPS Book Drive
  • Action Items
    • Digital Signage: Eka will create the digital signage to post in the SLAIS lounge and forward the file to Kaylin
    • Physical Posters: Kaylin will print and distribute posters around SLAIS
    • Donation of money and leftover books
      • Eka and Matthew Root will investigate possible locations/organizations
    • Creation of a box to place outside the Trail Room (for students that cannot attend the event but wish to donate books)
    • Anna will send out a Google Spreadsheet to ALA members to describe what baked goods he/she will bring for the bake sale
    • Anna will send out an email to the listservs and post on Facebook; Matthew Murray will post an announcement to the blog
  1. Student-to-Staff Essay Contest

  • Advertising: Eric needs assistance advertising the contest to SLAIS students
  • Contest closes on December 2
  • Action Items
    • Anna will forward Eric’s email to the listservs and post an announcement on Facebook
  1. Events for Next Term

  • Orientation: January 5th (12:00-1:30)
    • ALA needs at least one representative, preferably two. The reps should not be representing another student group
    • Action Item: Anna will send out a call for volunteers via email
  • Panel on Publishing: March
    • Hopeful collaboration with BCLA/CLA group
  • Freedom-to-Read Week (February 23-March 1)
    • Marathon Reading Event
  • ALA Exchange (January 17-20th?)
    • Matthew Murray is in contact with UW ALA group
    • Kaylin will send out inquiries to friends about hosting students
    • As there is no meeting until January, communication will be done via email
  • Membership Drive
    • Table until January
  1. Next Meeting

  • January 14, 1:00 in the Trail Room
  • If Eka and Anna are unavailable to attend, Carolyn will chair the meeting



ALA Conference Student-to-Staff Program

We have a great opportunity for ALA members!

Each year 40 of the 60 ALA Student Chapters get to nominate one student to to attend the ALA Annual Conference (to be held this coming summer in Las Vegas, June 26-July 1; more info here: on the Student-to-Staff Program. This program covers the conference fee, housing, and a food per diem (but not the travel expenses) for the four main days of the ALA Annual Conference in exchange for four hours per day of volunteer work at the conference.

Here at UBC, the student is selected via an essay contest which is judged by our wonderful Faculty Advisor, Eric Meyers. The essay, of no more than 500 words, should address the question:

How will the student-to-staff program contribute to your goals as a SLAIS student and future information professional?

The essay should be emailed to Eric Meyers at by December 2.
Attached is a one page full description of both the Student-to-Staff program and the essay contest. Please know that you must be fully committed to attending ALA Annual!

More information on the ALA Student-to-Staff Program can be found here:

This is a wonderful opportunity (just ask our Student-to-Staff winner last year, Ariel Deardorff), so do consider applying!

Download the description: ALA_StS_Essay 2014