ALA Student-to-Staff Essay Contest

Members of the ALA Student Chapter at the University of British Columbia are invited to submit essays toward the Student-to-Staff Competition on or before December 2, 2011.

Essay Criteria
Interested applicants should address the following question in an essay not to exceed 500 words: How will the student-to-staff program contribute to your goals as a SLAIS student and future information professional?

Essays must be word processed and emailed to the ALA Student Chapter Advisor, Eric Meyers (, no later than 11:59PM PST on December 2, 2011. In evaluating these essays, Eric will be wearing a device that measures electro-dermal activity (EDA – also known as skin conductance or Galvanic Response): whichever one provides an objectively measured warm, fuzzy feeling will be the winner. Just kidding. Essays will be judged on the quality of writing and potential of the author to contribute to the profession.

All contributors will be notified of the outcome of the contest by December 15, 2011. The name of the student chosen will be submitted to ALA as the UBC representative to the program. There can be only one…

About the ALA Student-to-Staff program
Each year, 40 MLIS students are chosen to assist ALA staff during ALA Annual Conference. In exchange for working four hours a day (or a total of 20 hours), these students receive free conference registration, housing, and a per diem for meal expenses. During free time, they may attend programs and participate in other conference activities.

Why is this cool?
The ALA Annual Conference, which will be held in Aneheim, California June 21-26, 2012, is the “the world’s largest and most dynamic library conference and exhibition for librarians from all types of libraries” (ALA homepage, 2011). ALA Annual is an opportunity to engage in significant professional networking activity, not to mention author events, workshops, panel presentations, and rockin’ parties. Oh, and there are free books coming out the wazzoo at the vendor exhibits. Sounds good, eh?

Who qualifies, and how?
To qualify for the ALA student-to-staff program, each student must be a current ALA member and a student chapter member, and cannot have previously participated in the program. Moreover, the student must remain an ALA member through the ALA Annual Conference that he or she is nominated to participate in. Once the UBC Student Chapter submits a name to the program, it cannot be withdrawn, nor can the position be transferred to another UBC student. Therefore, only students who are confident they can participate in the 2012 ALA Annual Conference should submit essays.

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity!

Upcoming Meeting

Hi everyone!

Due to the conflict with the colloquium series next Wednesday, the ALA Student Chapter meeting has been moved to Tuesday, November 8 at 12 p.m. in the Trail Room.

We will be finalizing plans for November’s white elephant/bake sale event and brainstorming more project and fundraising ideas. Please come and share your ideas!

If you have any questions, send them over. Hope to see you there!

We’re on Twitter!

I have some exciting news. We are now on Twitter @ubcALA!

Follow us to find lots of exciting, fun, current, old, boring, useless, important (etc) information regarding our group, SLAIS, UBC, ALA or the broader library world!

Not into Twitter? No worries! You can always add us to your preferred RSS reader. To access the our RSS feed, use the following link:

If you come across something great that you would like us to share, just tweet at us or send an email to Layla. We’ll be glad to pass on anything you find interesting.

Happy Tweeting!

Meeting Minutes | 27 September 2011

ALA Student Chapter Meeting Agenda | 27 September 2011
Noon | Trail Room @ SLAIS

1. Attendance:

Yolanda Bustos
Layla Naquin
Chelsea Shriver
Lindsey Krabbenhoft
Sarah Fallik
Morgan Barnes
Kaitlyn Sparks
Mary Jinglewski
Morgan Gariepy
Chelsea DiFrancesco
Lindsay McFarlane
Tracey Vantyghem
Ebony Magnus
Elspeth Olson
Jennifer Pappas
Judith Guzman-Montes

2. ALA news and events:

Alpha Delap, the ALA New Member Roundtable SASCO liaison, contacted Eric about New Member Roundtable/ Student and Student Chapter Outreach. We’ll give her contact information for our new officers.

She’s also interested in having a joint UW/ UBC ALA event in spring. She and Eric will/ have talked about this (Eric says they’re “peeps”) and he’ll check in soon with officers to let them know what they have in mind and the student group can start planning for the Spring event. (Possibly centered around a speaker, with the UW ALA student chapter coming up for a visit)

Eric also talked about ALA co-sponsoring colloquia events. What this means for our group is that we would be responsible for promoting the colloquia and generating excitement amongst our peers. There is no financial obligation from ALA, and we don’t get to pick the colloquia speaker, but the colloquium committee does a really great job of getting fantastic speakers in. (And if you really want to sit on the committee, every winter term 2 the position becomes available through LASSA.) We agreed we’d love to support the colloquium series. Additionally, Eric mentioned that there is a special luncheon-with-the-speaker opportunity for one student for some of the colloquia. So, that’s REALLY exciting. Details on that to follow.

3. Voting:

Yolanda opened the floor for nominations and went over the positions and duties.

Voting took place by a show of support if the seat was uncontested. The only contested position was voted on by secret ballot. All nominees were allowed to speak briefly on their qualifications and Eric counted the ballots.

The results:
Co-Chair: Mary Jinglewski <>
Co-Chair: Elspeth Olson <>
Treasurer: Jennifer Pappas<>
Webmaster/Communications Officer: Layla Naquin <>
Secretary: Chelsea Shriver <>

Congratulations on your new positions and thank you to everybody who showed interest. Our charter stipulates that additional committees and positions (to help spread the workload) can be made as necessary, so we very well could need more help in the future, especially if our student group stays fairly large.

New reps: someone who held your position last year (hopefully) will get a hold of you soon to show you the ropes and get you oriented. It’s pretty straightforward, but encouraging words are always nice, right? If no one gets a hold of you, I am always available to help you figure things out.

4. Next Meeting:

Date and time?
The next meeting is Tuesday October 11th at Noon in the Trail Room (or a location tba via Chelsea S) We agreed that Tuesdays at noon work well for us and we will continue to meet once monthly (more as needed) at this time. Chelsea S. will book the trail again with Kiki for that date. If we have a larger turn out next meeting, then we’ll try a bigger room, but for now, we’ll see how it goes. The meeting information must also be updated on the blog, Google student calendar on the SLAIS page and the kitchenette calendar. (Chelsea S. and Layla can work out who is going to take of what now and in the future)

Any ideas/items for the agenda can be sent directly to the chairs, whose contact info is above. If execs want to set up any social networking opportunities (ie. a Facebook page, a twitter account, etc.) and they PROMISE to be diligent about keeping it up (A badly run social networking presence is worse than no social networking presence), then they can coordinate and get that going. We can all help by using any and all opportunities to advocate for librarianship and our student group by using the site, generating ideas and coming to meetings with lots of communication under our belts and ready to use the face time we have to really get things done.

5. Call for any new business?

No one had any new business to bring up at this time but I just wanted to remind you again about the ALA Student-to-Staff program.

To become our chapter nominee, qualifying interested students shall participate in an essay contest outlining how the program will benefit their professional goals. The essay shall be approximately 500 words and submitted to the faculty adviser (Eric Meyers, by October 31. The faculty adviser will then evaluate the essays to determine which one student will be nominated. The adviser will then nominate the student to the ALA liaison.

I know you guys probably have a lot of things on your plate and assignments are coming up fast, but please take advantage of this tremendous opportunity and if you have any questions about what the experience was like, don’t hesitate to ask me (Yolanda).

6. Meeting Adjourned.

Important Meeting & Election Info

The SLAIS Student Chapter of the American Library Association will hold our first meeting of the term next Tuesday, September 13 in the Trail Room from 12-1pm.

This is a great time to get involved in the group and chart our direction for the coming year. We’re looking forward to planning some exciting events. Student members of the SLAIS ALA chapter will have the opportunity to network with the University of Washington Information School ALA student chapter this term, as well apply for a professional development opportunities, the Student to Staff program – which takes place at the ALA Annual Conference in 2012. Please come to our first meeting for more information.

Elections for all SLAIS ALA officers will be held on Tuesday, September 27 from 12-12:30 in the Trail room.

We hope to see you soon!

Student to Staff @ ALA 2011

Check out this wrap-up on the the experience of being part of the Student to Staff program at ALA Annual Conference 2011, including a perspective written by SLAIS ALA Student Chapter Secretary – Yolanda Bustos: hacklibschool blog!

TAKE NOTE: Student members of the SLAIS ALA Student Chapter will have the opportunity to apply for the Student to Staff program in the Fall of 2011. One student will be selected receive a scholarship to cover the cost of registration and accommodation to attend the ALA Annual Conference 2012, as well as gaining volunteer experience during the conference. Come to our meetings for more info!

SLAIS ALA Student Rep at ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans!

The SLAIS ALA Student Chapter has a representative — Secretary Yolanda Bustos — at the ALA Conference in New Orleans! Look out for news and information from #ala11 on Twitter.

Congratulations and Thank You to Graduating SLAIS ALA Members and Officers!

Congratulations to SLAIS graduating class of 2010-2011!!

We owe a big THANK YOU to Chair Heidi Schiller, Co-Chair Naomi Schemm and Treasurer Anna Doyle for their work and initiative in helping the new ALA SLAIS Student Chapter off the ground and piloting it in its first year! We wish Heidi, Naomi, Anna and all of the graduating SLAIS students both luck and tenacity in working toward their chosen goals.

We believe in you!!

Meeting Minutes | 22 March 2011

ALA Student Chapter Meeting – March 22, 2011; 11 a.m.
1. Heidi: Welcome and attendance.
Heidi Schiller
Yolanda Bustos
Anna Doyle
Not in attendance:
Kate Longley, Naomi Schemm

2. Approval of February meeting minutes. Approved.
3. Anna: funds update. Deposited our revenue from Valentine event. $62 in LASSA account. Still no LASSA funds, but Kirsty will do it as soon as she gets the money. Anna has the data to give a small year in review report.

4. Feedback for Ingrid Parent event. Good event and a good opportunity for recruiting. Lots of students and faculty present. Lunch was totally yummy and nice. Having lunch was a good way to have a speaker. We inquired about the price but Eric didn’t know. Possible that if we had enough notice, we could have some additional SLAIS sponsorship for food funds. We agreed that lunch is a very smart way to get good attendance for a speaker.

5. Brainstorming for next year’s events: Tabled due to lack of next year’s group members present. We will discuss this planning over the summer.

6. Discuss the creation of an annual report-end of the year office reports.
We need a narrative of what we did this year. Heidi will provide the annual report. Anna will create a financial report. Yolanda will edit and approve all docs and add them to the official ALA minutes, constitution etc.

7. Other Business
Summer reading: Kate’s baby? We’ll possibly all contribute a reader’s advisory which will be web accessible. Something small, maybe even a blog post with recommendations.

New student orientation: ALA conference in ANAHEIM. Disneyland! ALA student to staff informational brochures and informational club brochures will be made available (also on the website).

8. Thanks for a great first term everyone!

Meeting Minutes | 22 February 2011

ALA Student Chapter Meeting Minutes – February 22, 2011; 11 a.m.

1. Heidi: Welcome and attendance.
Heidi Schiller
Anna Doyle
Yolanda Bustos
Bailey Diers

Not in attendance:
Kate Longley
Naomi Schemm

2. Approval of January meeting minutes.
3. Discussion of “Love Buffet”. Feedback?
Pretty good turn out. About 16-18 people attended. Not bad for a Tuesday night. We ran out of chili. Maybe next time based on donation or a no participation required lunch.
4. Anna gave an update on our funds: hasn’t talked to Kirsty about LASSA funds. Love buffet made $62.
5. Heidi and Yolanda: Discussion of amendment of Constitution to include process for Student to Staff nominations in subsequent years. Vote on process. Passed unanimously. Needs to be updated in constitution in FTP (new document demonstrating change) and changed online.
6. Yolanda: Student to staff SLAIS travel award stipend: We need to create general information about student to staff doc for the ftp/online about Student to Staff. Yolanda will make a printable informational brochure for the fall, which will also be available for download from our blog.
7. Brainstorming for next event:
• Reports on progress for Teen Tech week? Not going to happen this year
• Freedom of Information Day? E-mail Michael? Heidi’s friend cannot speak on the issue. Waiting to hear from Kate about video panel?
• Skip the panel and maybe making something on the blog, giving out information? See if there is interest in designing this.
• If we are going to work on summer reading list or blog, we should start to do that.
• We should also start focusing on events for fall so that the new cohort will have something to come to: Banned Books. (Potential panel, banned books reading, etc)
8. Heidi: Ingrid Parent event: We’re co-sponsoring the event. We need to push this event with word of mouth. Next Wednesday at 11:30. (lunch and lecture)
9. Next Meeting- Tuesday March 22 @ 11am- Trail Room
a. Brainstorming for next year’s events.
b. Feedback for Ingrid Parent event
c. Year-end wrap up: discuss the creation of an annual report-end of the year office reports.