Meeting Minutes | 29 February 2012

1. Meeting called to order

2. Approval of meeting minutes

  • February 7 meeting minutes are approved.

3. ALA@UBC T-Shirt Order

  • The ALA@UBC t-shirt design has been selected (scripty letter design, green logo on a black shirt) and an order poll will be sent from so that members can specify their preferred sizes.
  • Sam Mills mentioned that classmate Emily Booth commutes from Bellingham, WA, and may be able to receive the shipment. She will check with Emily abut this.
  • The order link will be sent to Alyssa Feir, who won the ALA@UBC design contest, so that we can provide her with a free t-shirt.

4. Old Business

  • Cherry Blossom / Haiku Event Update: Brigid Winter attended the first day of the Cherry Blossom / Haiku Event on February 28. Only one Japanese student attended, but five SLAIS students were there. They learned about haikus and will crown a haiku champion at the second day of the event next week.
  • Marathon Reading:
    • Everyone who has signed up for a reading slot should consider signing up twice at this point to fill remaining slots.
    • RSVP to the Facebook event and send the link to friends.
    • Elspeth will take charge of the bake sale and will have people commit to bring stuff.  People can bring savoury as well as sweet things.
    • ALA@UBC treasurer Jen approved spending $60 on gift cards. $30 will be spent for the Wednesday event at IKBLC (two $10 UBC Bookstore gift cards and one $10 Blue Chip gift card).  $30 will be spent on the Friday event at the Carnegie Center (six $5 London Drug gift cards).
    • Please make sure to hang up flyers!
    • Carrie will be at the Lillooet Room at 8 a.m. on Wednesday to set up, which hopefully will be easy. She will also type up instructions for readers / monitors. She will be in touch with Clare at IKBLC about set up and signage.
    • It is suggested that a clock is needed so that readers can keep track of time.  Judith or Caroline volunteer to bring a small alarm clock for the event.
    • It is suggested that it would be a good idea to have a water dispenser there for readers. Elspeth will check about borrowing one from SLAIS or LASSA.
    • Bring extra books in case people just drop in and want to read.

5. New Business

  • End of semester bake sale to benefit ALA
    • Last bake sale in the fall was very successful.
    • Proposed date for the bake sale: Wednesday, March 21, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
    • Possible theme: St. Patrick’s Day, literary theme, Easter egg decorating (construction paper, plastic eggs)
    • Bring an ingredient list when you have baked something so that people know what is in the baked goods. Consider making vegan and gluten free items.
    • A Google doc will be created so that people can sign up for baking.

6. Next Meeting

  • The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 20, at 1 p.m. in the Trail Room at SLAIS.

7. Meeting adjourned





Meeting Minutes | 7 February 2012

1. Meeting called to order

2. Approval of meeting minutes

  • January 12 meeting minutes are approved with removal of attendance list before posting to the blog.

3. ALA@UBC T-Shirt Design Contest

  • A secret, paper ballot vote was conducted to select one of two designs submitted by Alyssa Feir for the ALA@UBC t-shirt design contest. The vote resulted in a tie, and the decision was made to send out a Doodle poll so that there could be a new vote, which will include color options for the t-shirt (green logo on a black shirt, white logo on a black shirt, white logo on a cranberry shirt, and gold logo on a navy shirt). The last day to vote will be Friday, February 10.

4. Old Business

  • Surrey Library tour recap: The tour was great! There was a great turnout, and the group received a private tour from David Kerr. The facility is gorgeous and boasts public art, meeting, studying, and computer space, as well as a coffee shop. The library also rents space to SFU for an educational satellite campus. The library is the crown jewel of the city’s redevelopment plans and is in the process of developing its collection. It’s an exciting time to be at the Surrey Library! A thank you note has been sent.
  • Marathon Reading:
    – Carrie was at a meeting with Megan Langley at the Carnegie Center, so Chelsea reported out on the progress of the event planning.
    – The Dodson Room (CORRECTION: It’s actually the Lillooet Room) has been reserved for March 7. The possibility of adding another day (March 6 or March 8) to the event at UBC was discussed, but the majority of the group felt that having the UBC portion of the event last only one day and then having an open mic event at Carnegie Center would be preferable.
    – The Creative Writing program has confirmed interest in participating.
    – Carrie created a document that breaks March 7 into 15-minute reading chunks so that people can sign up for reading slots. The sign-up sheet was passed around so that people could put their names down for readings. A Google doc will be created for additional Marathon Reading sign-ups.
    – It will also be necessary to have people sign up for 1- or 2-hour slots to come in and keep an eye on things, like the reading schedule, food, and money. People on the event coordinating committee can sign up for monitoring first, but other ALA folks should be aware that they may be called upon, too.
    – Carrie proposes the idea of a raffle. Everyone that reads would have their name put into a hat and a gift card would go to the winner. Would ALA be wiling to contribute $50 for a local gift certificate? The group seems fine with the idea of donating $50 for a raffle, but suggested that there actually be multiple prizes (buying at least three gift certificates with the $50). People suggested that the gift certificates could be for a bookstore, VPL gift shop, or a coffee shop.
    – The suggestion was made that ALA-ers should bring in a bunch of books (classics, poetry, Dr. Seuss) for people to read in case they drop in.
    – The suggestion was also made that the people who are there to monitor should be prepared to jump in and do extra readings if no one shows up / signs up.
    – Someone asked if there would be someone who could take photos.
    – Someone suggested having an audio book playing when no one is reading.
  • Cherry Blossom / Haiku Event
    – Nick spoke with the Ritsumeikan folks, and they suggested having the event over the course of two weeks on February 28 and March 6 (12-1 p.m.).
    – The event will include learning about haiku, writing haiku, and finding a haiku master.
    – Ritsumeikan has offered the use of their tatami room and will also provide food and prizes for the winners.
    – Nick will make a poster (partly in Japanese) and will sent it out to the Ritsumeikan students by the end of the week.
    – 10 people from SLAIS will also be able to attend. People will be asked to sign up and a waiting list can be kept if the number exceeds 10. People who sign up should commit to participating both weeks.
    – Brigid Winter volunteered to take photos at the event.
    – Nick will write a blurb and send it to Layla so that she can sent the invitation to the SLAIS admin list.
    – An idea is proposed to decorate a tree in SLAIS with the haikus written on pink paper and to ask people to donate funds and also to help chose a haiku champion.
  • ALA@UW collaboration update
    – Elspeth and Mary have been in touch with ALA@UW, and they have an event planned for April 4 with the president of ALA, so getting together in the spring probably won’t work for them. We will begin to plan an event for the fall.
    – If there are people attending the ALA conference over the summer, a mixer can be organized for members of the two groups. Since Sarah Fallik will be attending as UBC’s representative, she can potentially help organize.
    – UW is on the quarter system, so they don’t start until later in September, which needs to be considered when planning events for the fall.
    – If you have ideas for events with UW, let Elspeth know.

5. New Business

  • ALA events and ALA week themes: There are lots of ALA theme weeks around which we can plan events, such as Teen Tech Week in March, Freedom of Information Day in March, National Library Week in April, and lots of events in September and throughout the fall. We can potentially team up with a local library to put together an event and discussion.
  • Don’t forget to sign up to be an official member of ALA! Just go to the membership section of their website. It’s only $30 for students and it’s good for your resume to be a card carrying member of the organization.

6. Next Meeting

  • The next meeting will be on February 29 from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. (CORRECTION: It will actually be 12-1 p.m.) in the Trail Room at SLAIS.

7. Meeting adjourned

Meeting Minutes | 12 January 2012

1. Meeting called to order

2. Welcome and introductions of new and returning members

3. Approval of meeting minutes

  • November 8 meeting minutes are approved, with correction of “brining” to “bringing” under the second bullet of item three (Marathon Reading) and removal of attendance list before posting to the blog.

4. Announcements

  • The winner of the ALA student-to-staff program essay contest is Sarah Fallik. Sarah will be attending the ALA Annual Conference 2012 in Anaheim, CA, this June and will let us know about her experiences there.

5. Old Business

  • Bake sale results: Last term’s bake sale and white elephant gift swap raised approximately $170, which nearly quadrupled the ALA student group account balance. The amount raised makes this a very successful event. Plans to hold another bake sale in March near the end of this term will be discussed at subsequent meetings.
  • Surrey Public Library tour: The joint ALA / BCLA tour of the Surrey Public Library will be held on Thursday, January 26, at 10 a.m. The tour will last an hour, so those joining the tour should block out about four hours for the trip, including travel time. People should expect to be back in time for afternoon classes. An announcement will be sent out with additional information, travel details, and an opportunity to RSVP.
  • Marathon Reading:
    – Carrie reported on the progress of the “marathon reading” event – a way to raise awareness of the ALA student group, raise money for a cause, and partner with other student groups (Librarians Without Borders).
    – The event will go two days (two 12-hour sessions) and funds will be raised by purchase of baked goods during the event (by donation) and from donations made during readings.
    – Funds will go to the Carnegie Center Library and Carrie has been in touch with acting director Megan Langley about having part of the event at the Carnegie Center to allow the library’s patrons to participate.
    – After a vote, it is decided that the likely dates of the event will be February 14 and 15.
    – Next steps will be to coordinate with Carnegie Center and to book a room.
    – Since the readers and the audience will come and go, it will be possible to have the event work around classes.
    – The hope is to also include other departments at UBC, such as the English and theater departments and various MFA programs.
    – A sign up sheet was passed around to solicit additional members of the marathon reading committee: Sam M., Jason K., Meghan W., Nadia S., Elspeth O. and Sarah F.

6. New Business

  • ALA@UBC t-shirt contest: The chapter will be holding a contest to design the ALA@UBC student chapter t-shirt. One-color designs for one-sided t-shirt are due in paper or electronic format to Layla Naquin by February 6. The design should incorporate ALA@UBC, but otherwise, the design is up to entrants. The winning design will be decided by silent vote at the next meeting. An announcement will be sent out with additional details.
  • New ideas / brainstorming:
    – A question from Sam: How is the ALA@UBC student chapter connected to the larger ALA organization. The ALA student chapter at UBC is one of about 60 recognized student chapters. ALA@UBC is currently trying to organize an exchange with the ALA student chapter at University of Washington. Members of the student ALA chapters can join the ALA parent organization at a reduced rate of $33. The ALA membership gives you access to publications and reduced-rate and free online workshops. Members can also join various roundtables and interest groups within the larger ALA organization. The ALA@UBC chapter is relatively new, so provides a great opportunity for members to shape the direction of the group.
    – Other possible upcoming ALA@UBC events include a lunch speakers series. Feel free to contact any of the members of the executive committee with ideas for the group
    – Cherry blossom / haiku festival: Nick proposes a cherry blossom celebration and haiku writing event in March that would allow collaboration with international students and the Asian Library at UBC. The event could possibly be held at the Nitobe Garden at UBC and could involve writing haiku on pink paper in order to create artistic representations of cherry trees in bloom. A sign up sheet was passed around to solicit members of the cherry blossom / haiku festival committee: Jennifer P., Sam M., and Nick J.
  • The next meeting on February 7 at 12 p.m. in the Trail Room at SLAIS will cover the marathon reading, the t-shirt contest, and possible ALA-themed weeks around which ALA@UBC can plan special events (i.e., Banned Book Week in September, which would need to be planned in the spring).

7. Meeting adjourned