1. Meeting called to order
2. Approval of meeting minutes
- February 7 meeting minutes are approved.
3. ALA@UBC T-Shirt Order
- The ALA@UBC t-shirt design has been selected (scripty letter design, green logo on a black shirt) and an order poll will be sent from Customink.com so that members can specify their preferred sizes.
- Sam Mills mentioned that classmate Emily Booth commutes from Bellingham, WA, and may be able to receive the shipment. She will check with Emily abut this.
- The order link will be sent to Alyssa Feir, who won the ALA@UBC design contest, so that we can provide her with a free t-shirt.
4. Old Business
- Cherry Blossom / Haiku Event Update: Brigid Winter attended the first day of the Cherry Blossom / Haiku Event on February 28. Only one Japanese student attended, but five SLAIS students were there. They learned about haikus and will crown a haiku champion at the second day of the event next week.
- Marathon Reading:
- Everyone who has signed up for a reading slot should consider signing up twice at this point to fill remaining slots.
- RSVP to the Facebook event and send the link to friends.
- Elspeth will take charge of the bake sale and will have people commit to bring stuff. People can bring savoury as well as sweet things.
- ALA@UBC treasurer Jen approved spending $60 on gift cards. $30 will be spent for the Wednesday event at IKBLC (two $10 UBC Bookstore gift cards and one $10 Blue Chip gift card). $30 will be spent on the Friday event at the Carnegie Center (six $5 London Drug gift cards).
- Please make sure to hang up flyers!
- Carrie will be at the Lillooet Room at 8 a.m. on Wednesday to set up, which hopefully will be easy. She will also type up instructions for readers / monitors. She will be in touch with Clare at IKBLC about set up and signage.
- It is suggested that a clock is needed so that readers can keep track of time. Judith or Caroline volunteer to bring a small alarm clock for the event.
- It is suggested that it would be a good idea to have a water dispenser there for readers. Elspeth will check about borrowing one from SLAIS or LASSA.
- Bring extra books in case people just drop in and want to read.
5. New Business
- End of semester bake sale to benefit ALA
- Last bake sale in the fall was very successful.
- Proposed date for the bake sale: Wednesday, March 21, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
- Possible theme: St. Patrick’s Day, literary theme, Easter egg decorating (construction paper, plastic eggs)
- Bring an ingredient list when you have baked something so that people know what is in the baked goods. Consider making vegan and gluten free items.
- A Google doc will be created so that people can sign up for baking.
6. Next Meeting
- The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 20, at 1 p.m. in the Trail Room at SLAIS.
7. Meeting adjourned