June 2, 2011: In the introduction to my Mixed Media & Built Surface class our instructor Jeanne commented, “If you are hoping to produce a masterpiece then in you’re in the wrong class. This class is all about fun…”
The first class focused on transfers of images, a tad gimmicky, but all I really need to do is to get my hands dirty, and they definitely got dirty!
(NEXT CLASS RE: gimmicky: in our second class Jeanne showed some decidedly ungimmicky painters who use a lot of image transfer in their work. One such artist is Robert Rauschenberg: http://www.google.ca/searc h?q=robert+rauschenberg&hl =en&biw=1252&bih=940&prmd= ivnso&tbm=isch&tbo=u&sourc e=univ&sa=X&ei=-mv1TaLsHrH ViAKYuID7Bg&ved=0CDUQsAQ). After looking through their work I realized that it was me that was using transfers in a gimmicky way.)
Many of the images I brought had too much gray in them; only the hi-contrast black and white images worked really well for transfers. Here are some that I ended up using:

El Jefe, the huge, ancient, and somewhat battered iguana that lived next door to us at Melvin’s in Ostional, Costa Rica. I turned the photo of him into a high-contrast image suitable for transfer
How to Transfer an Image to a Surface, Method No. 1
Our super instructor’s site: http://jeannekrabbendam.com/ On her site she has her work and offers lots of different workshops and courses.